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Why No Proper Multitrack Triggering Effect?

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  • Whitten

    Drumagog and Slate Trigger haven’t cornered the market?

    Jay Coover

    I agree with jdahl. Actually might sell more copies of SD if it could be used in this way or came with a trigger plug-in. Just a filter and a gate on the source, convert that amplitude to MIDI velocity, done, right?

    SD 2.3 NY vol 2/Metal Foundry/C & V/Roots 1 & 2/Music City Latin Percussion/Funkmasters/The Classic/Jazz/Pop!/#1 Hits/Electronic/Twisted/Claustrophobic EZKeys 1.1 with all the trimmings


    Thanks, fizbin – I agree!

    To answer your question, Whitten: it’s not so much about the competition, but the fact that Toontrack made fully working, professional drum triggering software and deliberately made it external-ONLY!

    Those other two are (correctly) internal plug-ins, so you don’t have to waste a day exporting/importing MIDI and wave files! It utterly confounds me why they chose this route and charged a premium price for it. No offense intended to Toontrack, but it just bewilders me. They’ve got everything else….now they make…pianos? instead of a proper, internal drum trigger? Would it take that much to adapt the code to make it an insert? Bizarre.

    Jeremy Dahl Audio Designer


    ORIGINAL: jdahl
    Would it take that much to adapt the code to make it an insert? Bizarre.

    yes, if we wanted to keep the accuracy that a standalone program allows us.

    … without going into details, that is the major reason, when Drumtracker was developed, that it was chosen not to make it an insert. I can’t speak of the competition (for obvious reason) but we did research the market then, which only confirmed our opinion that an insert would be a compromise of the result one could obtain with the program.

    Rogue Marechal - Toontrack
    Configuration Manager


    I see. So no chance of an insert-version? I would surely buy that.

    Jeremy Dahl Audio Designer


    all I can say is that we are aware of the different ways to work when it comes to drum replacement, and that there is a demand for more ‘instantaneous’ results.

    Rogue Marechal - Toontrack
    Configuration Manager

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