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Why is Product Manager so slow to download?

Product Manager
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  • Mikko Asikainen

    First time I experience this slowness too. Rooms of Hansa, all was well in the beginning, 70mb/s, now slowed to crawling 1mb/s. It sometimes gets better after a pause, but that lasts only for a while.

    Operating system: Windows 10
    Phil Pendlebury

    Hi guys, can someone please check the CDN for UAE / Dubai?

    I have a 600Gbps connection here and am currently getting 148Kbps download with TT Product Manager. (I have double checked that other things are working correctly and are reaching max speed, no issues.)

    12+ Days to download the new Fields of Rock SDX is a little over the top…

    I guess I won’t be making my planned walkthrough video tonight then.

    Thanks, P.

    Operating system: Windows 10

    Info & Contact

    Windows 10 Pro (4K). Intel i7. 64GB RAM. RME FF UCX. UAD2 QUAD.
    Cubase. Nuendo. Wavelab. Ableton. Vegas. etc.


    I also have a problem with slow speed. All last month I have ~ 1.5 mb/s but a standard download speed on my mac is ~ 10 mb/s. In past years I can download any massive SDX with a normal speed ~ (8 – 10) mb/s but now it’s a nightmare. I have no any serious problems with downloading nowhere except Toontrack Manager! It is showing 36h before Fields of Rock SDX will be ready…. WTF, Toontrack ? Are you going to fix this ???

    Operating system: macOS Mojave (10.14)
    • The post has been modified 2 times, last modified 3 years, 5 months ago by Insight.
    Phil Pendlebury

    OK well a quick tip for anyone who is struggling with dl speeds (in the Mid East region). Use a VPN if you have one.

    As soon as I connected with my VPN to a location in Sweden my dl speed jumped from 148Kbps to 18.5Mbps.

    Connecting to a UK server is giving me 22Mbps. (I wish I had thought of this 4 hours ago when the dl started).

    Of course this also goes to show that he issue is with TT serving data to this region.

    Operating system: Windows 10

    Info & Contact

    Windows 10 Pro (4K). Intel i7. 64GB RAM. RME FF UCX. UAD2 QUAD.
    Cubase. Nuendo. Wavelab. Ableton. Vegas. etc.


    So I see there no responses over these 4 pages. Classy customer support. Same issue actually my download stopped

    Operating system: Windows 10

    Although it is disappointing, I’m kind of glad I’m reading all these downloading nightmares. This made my decision NOT to buy this product until a boxed version is offered.

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