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Why is every time a come here I have issues with the forum???

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  • Martin

    Your forum account was not linked to your Toontrack account, that was why you didn’t have full forum access. Only users with registered products have full forum access, which you should have now.

    Martin Kristoffersson
    Sound Designer


    I know it’s been forever but I feel a responsibility to point out that Martin was quite right and I was overreacting a bit. Better late than never.

    Thanks, Martin.

    "Let us wander through a great modern city with our ears more attentive than our eyes..."

    Luigi Russolo, 1913


    No you were not overreacting 🙁

    How does someone make a link like that??

    I foolishly thought I could simply log on using my toontrack ID. No such luck 🙁
    I tried to find a combination of email and logon that wan’t taken, it told me email or login was taken, not which one.
    I ended up trying a different email from the toontrack account cause I thought that was what it thought was taken.
    Along with a login name from hell (a.k.a completely random).
    And now I can not figure out how to make the link and get access.
    All I wanted to find out was how to install my non downloadable parts (a.k.a sounds) to a mac mini with no dvd drive.

    So no. Not over reacting, this is way more trouble than it ought to be 🙂


    You created a forum account back on 3/11/2011 under the forum ID of Robblar. This account has the same email address as your Toontrack account and should have Support Forum access. If you can’t log in to that forum account for some reason, let me know and I can grant support forum access to this new ‘eiurghiseru’ forum account.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

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