why if i hit learn midi note and…?

E-drum Workshop
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  • John


    the MIDI IN/E-drums page where you can load presets and create your own presets affect incoming MIDI and transforms it to work with the kit you have loaded in SD3. This also ensures that if you have changed mapping of notes on incoming MIDI, Toontrack MIDI will still work as expected.
    Changing stuff in the Property Boxes on the DRUMS page actually changes the e.g. mapping for that Instrument/articulation so TT MIDI or other User MIDI will not work as expected.

    Using primarily the E-drums Settings to set up how your incoming MIDI should be transformed gives you more flexibility but the choice is your, how you wish to work.


    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    thanks for the answer .. again I think it is not logic.. but ok anyway

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