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why can’t we enlarge/size window?

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  • Scott

    No. S2 nor EZD2 (nor EZkeys, or EZmix) have a resizable GUI. This question was answered on post #2 if this thread.

    I don’t use Windows 10 personally so I don’t know what issues you are having specifically with that OS. I use a Win7 machine and a 27″ Touchscreen monitor at a 1920X1080 resolution (my GUI looks like the attached pic below). The GUI is plenty large on my system (and fingers). Again, please use the link in the FAQ to contact Toontrack Support directly.

    At the very top of the FAQ page:

    …’Please search for your question, the contact support button can be found at the bottom of each FAQ answer’.

    So, please use the Contact Support button to contact Toontrack directly to find a more direct answer to your question.


    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    >I use a Win7 machine and a 27″ Touchscreen monitor at a 1920X1080 resolution

    See, that right there is the problem. I’d bet if anyone there were using current hardware (1440p monitors abound these days, you know, even 4K!), there would be a fix to this ridiculous problem. Not everyone is still using 1080p. It’s 2016.


    Thanked by: aguitarpenter

    Just thought I’d try again on my new laptop – native resolution 3000×2000. Despite giving up on complicated internal tweaks since the 90s, I tried everything – .manifest files, disabling scaling, etc. Nothing works.

    At this point, it’s just pure comedy.


    jorgo stefani

    …so – ~ 3 month later.
    nothing happens
    i am on bfd3 now.
    also not a real-scalable interface but a clever and clear workflow and logic.
    rest you continue on the laurels. any company that has done this is now bankrupt.
    best wishes


    @joste said:

    …the manifest – workarounds dont work with *.dll – files. Superior Drummer is only a VST.dll
    Best workaround (not a solution) for the moment is a second screen with 1024x768Px Resolution.
    – workaround for resolution
    – workaround for e-drummer
    – workaround for hh-settings
    – workaround for inconsistent mapped packs
    – workaround for default configs (save all in combined presets)
    and im sure if i dive deeper in this BShit-ups, sry… i find many more ways to waste my time.
    This is not a nice Programm – the workflow with it is a relapse into the 90´s.
    Jumping from workaround to workaround….
    bad bad bad
    Solution: Toontrack – build a modern version and give us registered pained users a FREE-UPDATE.
    Nothing other brings us (I know I’m not the only one) back…

    The (also to small screen) solution should be easy! SD sounds great and feel as E-Drum user mostly direct with less latency issues. BUT! Some other drum VST manufactures are in the 3th generation with a highly recommended stand alone version. I’m waiting since years for a timely 3th SD generation from Toontrack. Please no more those rudimentary Toontrack solo host for this application! Dear Toontrack team do you sleeping? Please next time no more exclusivity SDX expansion packs each month. We need immediately the next SD generation and not more and more expansion packs! Please do your job and make SD go for modern producing and modern E-Drum using like touchscreen handling and so on. Thank you very much with best regards


    Stewart Yorke

    @Martin said:

    Frequently requested, but rather difficult to implement. No plans of adding this feature anytime soon, I’m afraid.

    So, this was the state of play at post #2 in January 2012. Four years on (enough time to organise another Olympics / World Cup etc, and – what – about half the time it took NASA to develop the Apollo programme and get Armstrong & Aldrin on the moon!) are there any developments? It seems such a basic element and I’m amazed it’s missing.

    Scott Eshleman

    a post on this forum yesterday by ‘kkuehl’ linked to a blogpost detailing the manifest file solution for Windows users;


    Same here with Firefox and Google Chrome:

    “Access denied – you do not have permission to view this page”

    Anyway: We need immediately a new SD stand alone generation with modern GUI and touchable screens and more accurate E-Drum functionality.

    Thank you very much with best regards


    Scott Eshleman

    @Scott E said:

    a post on this forum yesterday by ‘kkuehl’ linked to a blogpost detailing the manifest file solution for Windows users;

    again, credit goes to OP, ‘kkuehl’ for finding it:

    Adobe App Scaling on High DPI Displays (FIX)


    “Have the app tell Windows that it is not DPI aware and let it scale everything properly. (Granted, this is not the ideal solution, but it does make the apps usable again)”

    AND this is the point! SD sounds great with an unusable interface from the past decade. Other manufactures like fxpansion are still in the 3th generation since years! This is not acceptable. And it’s not only the enlarge size windows problem. There are so many things to bring SD up to date. How long shout we wait for the next SD generation? Please dear Toontrack team make it possible right now! For example with a modern SD App it should be unnecessary to use a rudimentary SOLO host program with ugly windows size and limited functionality for timely E-Drum using. Again: We are living in 2016 and not any more in the 90th with boring synthesizer drum modules. Did I say Midi? Just another example for boring and antique solutions. What to hell is here going on?




    Pardon me but,…didn’t anyone think of this going in? Are the monitors in the TT lab so big that it was unnoticed? Good thing mine is huge, but if I had a standard size or was using a laptop I’d be #$^&ed! Really. Amazing, excellent product. So user friendly, but…………..COME ON!Confused

    Joe Free

    Sorry to keep posting on this thread, but I, too am disappointed that the interface is not resizable or at least scalable. I haven’t been using it long and am already getting frustrated with the lack of ability to use the screen real-estate I have, as well as make this thing big enough to see without a magnifying glass. 🙁


    The Swedes are known for their incredible eyesight.

    Eat more Lutfisk!

    Just kidding.
    It really is a problem with today’s modern screens.

    Macmini 2019 3.2 GHz 6-Core i7, 32GB RAM, MacOS 10.15.2, LogicProX 10.4.8, FF400, UAD2 Satellite Octo


    the manifest hack does not fix the plugin, so that’s smoke’n’mirrors.
    Same for “solutions” like dumbing down screen resolution, magnifier apps and what not.
    how about finally investing some good oldfashioned development time after 8.5 years (!!!) of cashing in on your ex-flagship product that’s going the way of the Dodo ?

    when will you guys realize that in a real world studio, screens are placed according to room acoustics, on average 1m or thereabouts away ?
    (read my post from 2013 in this thread if you need more details)
    rubbing your nose on a single screen might cut it for programmers or bedroom warriors, certainly not in a studio.
    check out this pic for a real headscratcher !
    just imagine sitting there working …

    oh well, you know we’re right !
    no need to admit it, fixing it would do nicely.


    @profirhino said:
    the manifest hack does not fix the plugin, so that’s smoke’n’mirrors.
    Same for “solutions” like dumbing down screen resolution, magnifier apps and what not.
    how about finally investing some good oldfashioned development time after 8.5 years (!!!) of cashing in on your ex-flagship product that’s going the way of the Dodo ?

    when will you guys realize that in a real world studio, screens are placed according to room acoustics, on average 1m or thereabouts away ?
    (read my post from 2013 in this thread if you need more details)
    rubbing your nose on a single screen might cut it for programmers or bedroom warriors, certainly not in a studio.
    check out this pic for a real headscratcher !
    just imagine sitting there working …

    oh well, you know we’re right !
    no need to admit it, fixing it would do nicely.

    With speakers that far apart, you’d have to be sitting in the middle is the room with 6′ long arms to reach the mouse and keyboard. 😉

    But, I know what you mean.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

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