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Where is my preset?

Product Manager
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  • Scott

    It looks like you’ve downloaded your preset purchase. Are you still having trouble?

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

    Clemens Maguire

    I found the serial number in my email to activate it via Product Manager. I didn’t know that. Sorry about that. Works amazingly well.


    I am having trouble loading some presets done by Fluff, Ola Englund and others. I have the file, I put it on SL-Avatar/Combined, but when on SD 2.0 and I have the SL-Avatar library selected and go to combined preset/user preset they don’t show up. Any help?



    @Henda said:

    I am having trouble loading some presets done by Fluff, Ola Englund and others. I have the file, I put it on SL-Avatar/Combined, but when on SD 2.0 and I have the SL-Avatar library selected and go to combined preset/user preset they don’t show up. Any help?


    What preset pack or packs do you have?

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

    It’s not a preset pack they are presets done by other Superior Drummer users. They are .s20 files.


    @Henda said:
    It’s not a preset pack they are presets done by other Superior Drummer users. They are .s20 files.  

    Presets only work using libraries that were used to create them. For example, if someone used the Metal Foundry SDX for the preset (even just 1 X-drum) you would have to have the Metal Foundry SDX to open it.

    Not knowing what libraries were used to create the presets, I’m not sure what else to advise.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

    Is it there any form to know what libraries were used to create the preset by opening the .s20 file?

    Olof Westman
    Forum Crew

    .s20-files are not ‘presets’, they are full project savefiles. Use
    ‘Load Project’ to browse for and load them.

    Olof Westman - Toontrack

    Thanks Olle, this way it works!

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