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Where do you get cymbal splashes from?

E-drum Workshop
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  • John

    Swells have been included at some stage in a MIDI package, can’t remember right now which one. Some Superior libraries have recorded swells.

    Softer passages on the Ride Cymbal can be edited in your host.


    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    Yes im seeing now where I can take say a drum roll from the fills, and put it in the ride cymbals slot and
    it will play somewhat of a roll.

    But Id prefer to have ones that are professionally played for that purpose, and id like to avoid trying to do a swell on my keyboard, if you can find the midi packs with the swells in it id appreciate it thanks

    I also dont like the way the fills are kind of all or nothing as far as sensitivity and feel, a few fills have the dynamics bult in but not many, thats one way to give away you are using software is when the fills are different volumes and when a big fill kind of blasts across the mix. any solutions to that?

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