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where are my products?

Studio Corner
  • joey pinter

    this si something else, when i fill out the form to ask a question one of the things required is the product serial number. when i click on “my products” the ONLY thing i see is a MIDI pack i bought last week.
    i have loads of things from toontrack going back at least four or five years. so, my question is, where are my products???

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  • Scott

    My guess is that you have 2 accounts. Some products registered to each account.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

    joey pinter

    hi, i don’t believe i have two accounts. where would i look to see if i do have more then one account? i own quite a bit of toontrack stuff. please let me know how i should proceed.
    thank you


    Well, you seem to have 2 forum names. There is a ‘joeypinter’ and a ‘joeypinter1776’. They must have different email and accounts attached.

    You will need to contact Toontrack directly via the FAQ below and have them merge your 2 accounts.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

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