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When I mute/choke the crash it stays muted for the rest of the session SD3/Millenium

Studio Corner
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  • markus

    Hello Henrik,


    no, the chokes don’t get replayed. It’s like i wrote earlier:

    The funny thing was, when i played the file back, the choke on the 4th hit wasn’t replayed: the cymbal sounded open! And once having replayed the recorded part, hitting the formerly muted cymbal again, the muting was gone (like having “released the brake”)! Thus i didn’t have to restart SD3 to continue playing but then when i choke the cymbal again, the muting is “locked” again. Do you have an idea what could be happening there?

    An maybe another Problem emerges with the described behaviour: how do I record cymbal-Chokes … :-}

    Can there be happening some kind of (event-)filtering, that could be switched on/off by some setting in SD3?

    • This post was modified 6 years, 4 months ago by markus.

    The only things that may alter incoming MIDI information is the MIDI in settings.

    So if I get you correctly, the choke information (Aftertouch) isn’t recorded into SD3?

    How does it work if you record the MIDI to a DAW – does it work as it should?

    Henrik Ekblom - User Experience Designer


    I hope i come to try that this evening. Thanks so far,




    interesting: I recorded the known sequence in reaper. During recording (on a midi track with sd3 as vst-plugin) the choke worked, resulting in the known problem that the cymbal stays dampened. Replaying the recorded midi from the daw it shows the exact same result. Eventually I recorded the reaper Playback in sd3 and there the choke was gone again, all cymbals Sounded open! I attached the sd3 Project file AND “working” reaper midi here. Thanks, Markus


    Ok, I have looked deeper into the MIDI file and I found the MIDI Aftertouch that makes the cymbals choke.

    Where the dark green vertical lines are in this screenshot, you have two different aftertouch “make a choke” values, one for note 49 and one for note 55 (Aftertouch for separate MIDI notes are sometimes called Polyphonic Pressure).



    The problem with your kit is that it doesn’t send a “stop choke” value when you release the cymbal, and this is handled differently in different DAWs. Most of them will do as reaper – a choke is enabled and all the following notes becomes choked. SD3 handles this differently, it removes the choke Aftertouch on recording.

    There are some e-drums that has this problem, and yours seems to be one of those. This should mean that when you play live the e-drums with SD3, and you to a choke, the following cymbals are also choked, even if you release the cymbal?


    To fix this in the recording, you can manually draw Aftertouch that both enables, and disables chokes. You can do this in Reaper, or in SD3 (depending of where you have the MIDI). This is what a correct choke and stop choke would look like in SD3. I used Channel Pressure, which means that it will choke all cymbals on the current MIDI channel. I find it easier to only have one type of Aftertouch to mute all cymbals, instead of one individual aftertouch for each cymbal:



    I hope you could follow my directions, since this is a pretty advanced area of MIDI editing 🙂

    Henrik Ekblom - User Experience Designer


    Thanked by: heartwork

    Hello Henrik, thanks for your in depth research and information!

    What does the following mean:

    SD3 handles this differently, it removes the choke Aftertouch on recording.

    ? Does it mean, if sd3 doesn’t receive the aftertouch-off, it ignores the aftertouch-event completely?

    If so, do you have an idea, how i could “immitate” the sending of aftertouch-off automatically by for example some midi-filter-software that’s working and listeneing between the midi-in and the daw/sd3? What, if that makes sense at all, would be an adequate interval between on/off?

    Or, since you stated

    There are some e-drums that has this problem,

    is the problem already addressed by some other workaround or fix or so?


    Maybe that’s a little OT by now, but every answer is appreciated 😉


    Thanks a lot, Markus

    • This post was modified 6 years, 4 months ago by markus.

    Well, I am not a Reaper expert, but in Logic Pro X there’s a script functionality where one can write a script that adds aftertouch off value (which is an aftertouch below value 64) after an aftertouch on (values above 64).

    Maybe we have some Reaper experts here on the forum that can help?

    Henrik Ekblom - User Experience Designer


    That’s a good Idea! I’m confident that i can manage to write a little reaper script for  that, i’ve already done some scripting in reaper.

    Once the aftertouch-off is “fired”, will sd3 record it properly? (relates to my former question:

    Does it mean, if sd3 doesn’t receive the aftertouch-off, it ignores the aftertouch-event completely?



    Once the aftertouch-off is “fired”, will sd3 record it properly?

    Sure. The script should capture the Aftertouch note that comes in, and after a small amount of time, send back the same aftertouch note, with value 0.

    Henrik Ekblom - User Experience Designer


    Was a solution for this ever found? I have no problem in terms of MIDI sequencing a choke, that’s fine. My problem is that I’m trying to use Superior 3 for live playing and I’m having the permanent choke issue. I’m using an Alesis Surge Mesh kit, via USB into SD3 standalone. Solving the choke issue post-recording doesn’t help me play live. I’m receiving correct aftertouch values, but no release on the choke. Any idea on a solution or workaround?



    We have looked in to this problem with e-drums that don’t send an aftertouch release and a fix will be implemented in the next update. We have no exact time estimate on this update, but it’s being released as soon as we can 🙂

    Henrik Ekblom - User Experience Designer

    Braeden Lightfoot

    Any update on this?  I just updated and still have the same issue as discussed using an Alesis DM7X.  Just for reference, Addictive Drums does not have this issue.  Thanks.


    Any update on this?  I just updated and still have the same issue as discussed using an Alesis DM7X.  Just for reference, Addictive Drums does not have this issue.  Thanks.

    If you have updated to SD 3.1.4, go to Settings > MIDI In/E-Drums, open the Edit menu and select “Single Choke Mode.”

    Olof Hermansson - Toontrack


    Thanked by: deskoo, Eric Puister and Henrik

    Hello, i have the same problem than Peter, when I play any crash on my e-drums, the choke still works, but i dont muted it. i have a Medeli DD508, and use EZDRUMMER 2, i don find the midi monitor on EZDRUMMER2. Can anybody help me.


    I have a Fame DD-ONE e-drum set and get the same problem.

    Please, Toontrack team, fix this for Ez Drummer 2, as you did it for Superior Drummer 3.

    Thank you

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