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When I mute/choke the crash it stays muted for the rest of the session SD3/Millenium

Studio Corner
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  • Henrik

    Enable the midi monitor box on the right side of the drums. Mute the crash on your e-kit and check values in the monitor. The cc value should go up to around 127 somewhere when pinching, and then drop below 66 when released. If there is no correct release registration this can occur.

    Henrik Ekblom - User Experience Designer

    Peter Santesson

    Thanks Henrik, great advice!

    I opened the midi monitor box as shown on attachment, the mute is in aftertouch. After that crash is muted. How do you interpret Midi signals?midi.png


    Can you post a MIDI file that you record when playing a choke, and it stays that way? It’s easier for us to analyze what’s going on with that!

    Henrik Ekblom - User Experience Designer

    Peter Santesson

    Sure, but I am complete novis in SD. So I will record a midi file and post it here?


    Exactly – a MIDI file where the problem you describe occurs. When you play that MIDI file, the choke problem should be there.

    Henrik Ekblom - User Experience Designer


    Hello there,


    this is Markus from Germany. I’m facing the same Problem with a Fame DD-One e-drum set (similar to medeli DD518 DX). I’d like to know if you already found a solution to the issue. If not, maybe i can do some more research, too (post a midi-file as mentioned above or else …).


    Thanks in advance,




    I’m facing the same Problem with a Fame DD-One e-drum set (similar to medeli DD518 DX). I’d like to know if you already found a solution to the issue. If not, maybe i can do some more research, too (post a midi-file as mentioned above or else …).

    Yes, a MIDI file is helpful for us to check out!

    Henrik Ekblom - User Experience Designer


    Hello Henrik,

    so here’s the recorded midi-file. First I did 3 hits without choke, then a choked one followed by another 3 hits without choke. The latter showed the problem, the sound gets muted immediately (sounds like holding a real cymbal firmly while hitting it). The funny thing was, when i played the file back, the choke on the 4th hit wasn’t replayed: the cymbal sounded open! And once having replayed the recorded part, hitting the formerly muted cymbal again, the muting was gone (like having “released the brake”)! Thus i didn’t have to restart SD3 to continue playing but then when i choke the cymbal again, the muting is “locked” again. Do you have an idea what could be happening there?

    An maybe another Problem emerges with the described behaviour: how do I record cymbal-Chokes … :-}

    Many thanks in advance,



    Hm, I checked the MIDI file in Superior Drummer 3 but saw no MIDI data for choking, and the cymbal played without chokes… Can you save a Superior Drummer 3 project, which contains MIDI that has the problem, and post here?

    Henrik Ekblom - User Experience Designer


    Hello Henrik, thanks for your quick reply!

    I can upload the sd3-Project this evening. Is there by any chance an sd3-setting that keeps/enables the choke-signal (midi-cc?) to be recorded? A checkbox in a menu saying “record all midi input” for example? Like Peter above i saw the aftertouch-commands in the midi monitor – did my midi-file contain these?


    many thanks so far, Markus


    I couldn’t see any CC values in the posted MIDI file, and that’s how you choke cymbals in SD3. The CC values of a MIDI file can be seen in the Grid Editor. In the bottom, you can switch the velocity area to show CC values instead.


    Channel Aftertouch will, by default, mute all ringing cymbals. This is how it can look when you mute all cymbals:



    Aftertouch for a specific instrument will only mute that instrument. For example, in the screenshot below, only the Cymbal 2 will be muted. Cymbal 4 will continue to ring:


    Henrik Ekblom - User Experience Designer


    Hello Henrik, so here’s the sd3 Project file. 3 Hits open, 4th choked, 3 Hits with the Problem.  i did that sequence with each of my 2 Crash cymbals in succession.

    Thanks for caring,



    There are no MIDI Aftertouch values in the MIDI on the song track in the project you sent, so there can be no chokes of the cymbals. Do you have MIDI in a DAW, that plays simultaneously as the MIDI in SD3?

    Another thing I noticed is that the MIDI notes are playing cymbals which aren’t loaded, meaning that another cymbal will play instead. The Cymbal 3 MIDI notes will trigger Cymbal 4 to play, and Cymbal 5 MIDI notes will trigger Cymbal 2 to play. Is this intentional?

    Henrik Ekblom - User Experience Designer


    No, there’s no other midi playing (if i got you right) – only the drum-module, playing back its own sounds. I could prevent that, there’s a a setting to do so, thus only sd3 would get triggered.


    Also the cymbal-(mis-)usage isn’t intentionally. I just started the sd3 standalone app and ran with the default setup. I noticed, there are some (eh … more precisely: a lot 😉 “presets” for different e-drums/drum-modules in the midi-in/e-drums settings tab. I didn’t find my “Fame DD One” module listed there but the “medeli dd 518”, which is said to be very close if not similar. Should I give that setting a try and upload another project with also the cymbal mapping fixed?


    thanks, Markus


    The e-drum mappings are only applied for MIDI that comes in to SD3, from a DAW or from e-drums, not from the song track in SD3!

    If you open the project you sent me, in SD3 standalone – do you get chokes on the cymbals?

    Henrik Ekblom - User Experience Designer

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