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When adding X-drum, what happens with room mics?

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  • Henrik

    They are (usually) blended into current, matching mixer microphones. If you load a x-drum that has an OH mic, it will be connected to the current mixers OH mic. I say usually, because it’s not always possible for SD2 to know what to do with some microphones, in that case you can manually wire them.
    You can see these connections, and even re-assign them in the x-drum Microphone Assignment (found in the area where you create the x-drum).
    In there you can, for example, create a new Mixer microphone for the x-drum OH mic.

    Henrik Ekblom - User Experience Designer


    I was under the impression that the room mics and OHs were recording samples of the actual drums/cymbals being used.
    Now, when I add mics to a new drum, especially an external x-drum that was not there when the room/OH recordings were created, where are those room mics and OH samples coming from?

    Olof Westman
    Forum Crew

    >I was under the impression that …


    >Now, when I add mics to a new drum…

    You don’t add mics to a drum. An x-drum always comes with the mics it has
    in its own library and those would be different from the mics, of the main library,
    that sit in the current mixer. The question is where you want the sounds of the
    x-drum’s mics to appear in the current mixer. You make that connection in
    the Microphone Assignment. Sometimes you need to create a new mic
    in the *mixer* to host the sounds of one of the x-drums’s mics.

    Olof Westman - Toontrack


    Got it!

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