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What’s the best mellotron plugin?

The Pub
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  • Bryan Block

    I have the GeForce M-Tron Pro and I think you would be hard pressed to find a more comprehensive Mellotron Library, they seem to really be dedicated to preserving all of the possibilities of the ‘tron and related instruments. The editing features really let you manipulate the original sounds quite a bit as well. The only other Mellotron I have ever used was a free VSTi called “nanotron”. Here is a list of free ones, but if you want more than a couple of sounds, you will need to invest in a full fledged ‘tron VSTi.


    Creativity is a Work Ethic.


    I´d recommend the GForce M-Tron Pro too.
    Sounds great and there are extra plug ins like the Chamberlin and others.

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