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Whats a great SD2 Controller?

Studio Corner
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  • Steve Heinke

    Tim, I play/refine EZ tracks with an old Roland Octopad. Even have a kick pedal trigger plugged in so I can sort of ‘play’ the Octopad. You can find these old beasts pretty cheap these days. Make sure all the pads work.




    I hope some of this info might help you…..

    The ideal way to control is going to be from a electronic kit I use a roland TD20

    If I am correct you said Edrums are not possible due to room space ? And you dont want to use a keyboard.

    I Cant blame you for not wanting to play a keyboard I hate puting drums down like that.

    This leads me to what I was going to say might b ea great answer for what you need…..

    Korg make a great little tool called a Nano Pad ! It has 12 velocity sensitive rubber pads with flam / roll buttons etc

    This meens you can tap out drum beats with your fingers !!!! ( very easy to map out aswell)

    Its a really cool tool and actualy comes with a free version of Ez drummer lite….

    I orderd a Nano Pad today because I am finding late night playing on the Td 20 causes vibreations and pisses every one in the house off haha

    So at least with the Nano pad I wil be able to keep working all night if I like.

    I dont know where you are from but in the UK Digital village are seling them for £30 !!!!!!

    A great buy and a great little controller here is the link

    I see Nano pads being sold in package deals with SD2 and MF a lot over here in the UK so that makes me think good things about them.

    Theres loads of videos on you tube aswell of guys doing some awesome stuff with them 🙂

    I hope I have helped and not just rabled on here haha

    Let us know what you decided to get ?


    Windows 7 (64 bit ) Intel I7 930 12GB OCZ Gold Sonar 8.5 Producer VS700r VS700c Superior 2 / MF/NY EZ mix Roland TD-20

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