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What would make EZKeys a real useful addition

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  • John

    2. Rather than just Verse, Chorus etc can we not have the Apply Style like we have in EZBass


    you do know that you have the ‘Use Browser MIDI’ function to apply the style from a MIDI part selected in the Browser to a part on the Song Track?


    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    Thanked by: The Wookiee
    The Wookiee

    No I did not John I will investigate, so that works like the apply style in EZBass?

    It may also be the issue of the size of the GUI with it not being obvious

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    • This post was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by The Wookiee.
    The Wookiee

    Thank you John as I hinted at the issue is that on my 27″ UHD 4K screen much of the tiny GUI is in decipherable. I wear glasses but still it is tiny compared to SD 3 and EZBass.

    Even though I had in deed RTFM’d the manual I was unable to discern the option.

    This is I suspect not only an issue regarding the size of the GUI but also the nature of the GUI itself.  The Only EZKey’s Library I have is the Hybrid Harp which is somewhat a little Cyberpunk in its design. Consequently the option is not immediately obvious amongst the tubes pipe and other ornamentation.

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