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What speed macbook for low latency SD2 playing from Roland TD3KW?

E-drum Workshop
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  • Romanp

    Disappointing to get no replies.
    I am in the e druming forum aren’t I.

    What latencies are people getting for playing SD2 live?


    there is no single answer to your question, the minimum latency you will be able to reach depends on a lot of factors, most notably how well written / optimized your audio interface driver is, and how much of a CPU hog your sequencer of choice is.

    … but, with a recent MacBook (2010 upwards) and a pro-graded audio card you should be able to play on your e-kit through Toontrack solo at a buffer setting of 64 samples, with a backing track in iTunes in the background, with no particular concerns.

    In combination with Logic, ProTools or Cubase to record your performances or playback a composite arrangement as you describe is a totally open question however, again, depending on much more than any info you could provide over a forum post could help assess.

    Rogue Marechal - Toontrack
    Configuration Manager

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