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What recording programs function with windows 8.1 and ezdrummer2?

Studio Corner
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  • Scott Eshleman

    forgetting about your past issues with EZDrummer1 for the moment, regarding a DAW,
    if I were running a Windows PC, I might still be using Sonar X3, or Pro Tools 11

    can you be more specific about your EZDrummer2 installation issues?
    do you have administrative rights (UAC) to install software on your new laptop??


    I’ve actually just finished installing all Toontrack products (dozens and dozens of separate products) on a new Windows 8.1 laptop. I use the latest version of Reaper with it and ASIO4ALL drivers for low latency operation using the built in soundcard. No problems whatsoever.

    As the other Scott mentioned above, give us more details about your trouble.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    Hey thanks for the reply’s Scott’s! :0)
    I just found this response. I dont know what I thought but i was waiting for a response and didnt look in the right spot I guess. I see you responded in a timely fashion and i thank you. My frustration is about 2 years old at this point so my patience has been really thin. Anyways thank you guys.
    So my issues have been finding a reasonable recording program to get ezd2 to operate correctly. I tried pro tools ex and no luck cuz the mighty franchise has not figured out windows 8 yet and thats from the horses mouth!!! I looked at the list of supported programs and thought I would give sony acid a shot believe its #10. Anything over 7 is acceptable from what I read.
    When I attempt to download it takes forever like 6 hrs or so. I also downloaded all of the updates. I used winzip to unzip the programs and then try to install the 64 bit version and it will get to what i think is the end of the installation and then I get an err0r 1309 nonstop for I don’t know how many files. That’s as far as I got. Need anymore info I am happy to try anything. I need this program so badly. I am a one man band and its detrimental to my future. Thank you again for your response and now that i know where to look I will be looking for a response. Thanks Guys!


    If you receive an error message containing ‘Error 1309′, this is because you are attempting to run the installer without extracting the downloaded zip archive. Please right click the downloaded zip file and choose ‘Extract all’. I strongly recommend using Windows’ built in extraction tool for this.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    @sds4bass said:

    HEllo I am very new to the computer recording game. I bought ezdrummer2 and cannot even install it for some reason. I don’t even know why I bought ezdrummer2 because I have never successfully used the first one. My dilemma is I needed a better computer but everything had windows 8 preinstalled. So I bought a laptop and cant get anything to work. I bought protools express and the mbox but it does not work with windows 8. Any suggestions on a reasonable program that works on windows 8.1 with ezdrummer2?

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