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What is the phone number for support

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  • Scott

    Money taken… no keys delivered. I know you like to push people to your distributors… but that is a messed up way to do it.

    This is my reward for spending 100’s upon 100s of $$$ and getting rid of my cracks?

    I see that 6 products have been registered to your account on 3/16/19. Are you saying you ordered products today and haven’t received an order confirmation? Please clarify “no keys delivered”.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

    BiBi Kvachi

    Hello Scott,

    I just bought New York Studios Vol.2 SDX (is that an expansion pack?)… So, I downloaded it and when I tried to install it, it says “You need to upgrade Superior Drummer to version 2.4 before installing this update.”
    Please help.
    This is my VERY FIRST TIME with Toontrack. I’ve never purchased anything before, maybe I don’t understand smth, please assist ASAP.

    Thank you.

    George / BiBi

    BiBi Kvachi

    Hello Scott,

    I just bought New York Studios Vol.2 SDX (is that an expansion pack?)… So, I downloaded it and when I tried to install it, it says “You need to upgrade Superior Drummer to version 2.4 before installing this update.”
    Please help.
    This is my VERY FIRST TIME with Toontrack. I’ve never purchased anything before, maybe I don’t understand smth, please assist ASAP.

    Thank you.

    George / BiBi


    Hello Scott,

    I just bought New York Studios Vol.2 SDX (is that an expansion pack?)… So, I downloaded it and when I tried to install it, it says “You need to upgrade Superior Drummer to version 2.4 before installing this update.”

    Please help.

    This is my VERY FIRST TIME with Toontrack. I’ve never purchased anything before, maybe I don’t understand smth, please assist ASAP.

    Thank you.

    George / BiBi

    SDXs are Superior Drummer expansion packs yes. SDXs can’t be used without it.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    Thanked by: BiBi Kvachi
    BiBi Kvachi

    I see, thank you Scott.
    So it was my mistake, I thought it was a standalone Drummer.
    Can you please help me with the reimbursement, I’ll go ahead and buy EZ Drummer.

    Thank you.

    BiBi Kvachi

    Or, perhaps I’ll buy Full version of SDX.

    What’s the name of the Full version of SDX?




    I see, thank you Scott.

    So it was my mistake, I thought it was a standalone Drummer.

    Can you please help me with the reimbursement, I’ll go ahead and buy EZ Drummer.

    Thank you.

    You’ll need to contact Toontrack Support directly via the Contact Support button in the FAQ below and request a refund.

    If you’d like to purchase Superior Drummer 3, which is the instrument that can load SDXs, the link is below.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    Thanked by: BiBi Kvachi

    I’ve just purchased a so called midi pack that doesn’t seem to contain any midi but insists that I buy another product to access the midi. Really bad call guys and probably illegal. I have to insist on a refund for this product as it’s actually a scam


    Hi jimmy,

    for almost all Toontrack MIDI packs there is a clarifying text saying

    Works with EZdrummer, EZdrummer 2, Superior Drummer 2 and Superior Drummer 3 (optimized for 1 kick, 1 snare, 3 rack toms, 1 floor tom, 4 crash cymbals, 1 ride cymbal).

    It apparently does not on the product page of the one you bought. Please contact Toontrack support directly via any of the FAQ pages for refunding.

    And to clarify: all Toontrack MIDI you buy from the web shop is meant to be used with Toontrack Instruments.



    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    I recently bought Superior Drummer-3, an upgrade from EZD-2. I’m pulling my hair out with the product manager, it’s utterly useless. I had to go on line to register and everything seemed fine until i went to use Superior Drummer 3 ….it only shows the EZD-2 presets and says to update N.Y. preset with product manager…..well we know the desktop version of the manager doesn’t work. I then downloaded the updates for SD-3 from Toontrack site, but theres nothing to install after i unzip.

    I have to say this is the worst support system ive ever encountered. its-laborious and time consuming! I want to talk to tech please! I neither have the time or patients to be having this problem. I’ve spent over $600 Canadian for this mess, if you can’t find the decency to call then please give me my money back! email me at and I’ll give you my number.



    ….Also i forgot to mention, I use Cubase and Superior Drummer-3 doesn’t show up, only EZdrummer-2 does,





    Did my research and just paid out for Superior Drummer 3. Paypal all done so you have my money, but no email from Toontrack. No serial number and no products against my account. Sitting here with a free day to play and no product what is happening??? Very disappointing.



    Did my research and just paid out for Superior Drummer 3. Paypal all done so you have my money, but no email from Toontrack. No serial number and no products against my account. Sitting here with a free day to play and no product what is happening??? Very disappointing.

    I’ve resent your invoice. Can you check your spam folder if it isn’t in your inbox?

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    what has happened is I bought ezdrummer2 at a music store quite a few years ago before the product manager existed. And I set up ezdrummer2 on a different account with different email. I don’t have access to that anymore. I’ve long since forgotten. But I do still have the serial number and picture proof I bought it. Under this current email toontrack account I have uk pop expansion and a songwriters bundle. Please fix this problem and get me access to my ezdrummer2 i paid for quickly ezdrummer2 is my main drums I use for work and I’m at a stand still now.



    what has happened is I bought ezdrummer2 at a music store quite a few years ago before the product manager existed. And I set up ezdrummer2 on a different account with different email. I don’t have access to that anymore. I’ve long since forgotten. But I do still have the serial number and picture proof I bought it. Under this current email toontrack account I have uk pop expansion and a songwriters bundle. Please fix this problem and get me access to my ezdrummer2 i paid for quickly ezdrummer2 is my main drums I use for work and I’m at a stand still now.


    Please contact Toontrack Support directly via the Contact Support button in the FAQ below and explain your situation.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

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