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What is the best recording software for Toontracks?

Studio Corner
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  • Shootie

    You didn’t list any specs, just brands. Meeting TT’s minimum requirements is good, I personally think you should be above them.

    But to change the subject, I think anyone would be better off using the cheapest Audio Interface out there as opposed to a sound card. Seems to be the standard for any type of audio production. I haven’t used a sound card for 20 years, only audio interfaces.

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    Computer specs? Well, we’re way above the specs. We’re both at 32 gig of Ram, Oodles of hard drive space (SSD), 6-gig video cards (He’s Radeon, I’m nVidia), I’m an i7 Intel cpu, I don’t know what his AMD cpu is, I’m using on-board audio and he’s using a Sound blaster something or other. We are both using a Alesis multimix 8 USB Mixer as our codecs. Again, he’s getting latency and more issues with TT than I am. My stuff works like a champ most times but I do get the occasional crash, but my computer is old and dying a slow death. That will be remedied soon enough, but we both like Sonar and we’re used to it and aren’t fond of the idea of learning new software.

    So you think it’s the sound card? What recording software are you using?



    EZ needs a good CPU and good audio playback device. Video cards do not matter, modern amounts of ram will do, hard drive space doesn’t matter unless your Cdrive is full.

    If Sonar is hosting EZD, then I would see what the audio buffer size is and decrease it’s value for latency. This is an assumption because I can’t test it myself. You may want to increase the buffer size, which would introduce latency, but possibly get the bugs out. If you’re using a sound card but with an different audio interface’s driver, that doesn’t seem optimal to me. The Alesis multimix 8 USB Mixer is an audio interface, maybe just use that instead of the sound card, or at least test it out. If you’re going to use your sound card, most people do not in this case, use it’s own, or a windows driver. Maybe you’ve tested this already though.

    If you’re suspecting Sonar, try the Reaper trial since it has no limitations. Just load up your TT products for a quick test. I get it, learning a new DAW is a pain in the butt. I don’t remember anyone ever talking about AMD compatibility, hence me not addressing it at all.

    That’s the best I have unless you’ve missed any details on your end.

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    Thanks for your feedback and input. I have long thought that that might be the problem. Since the only three variables in this scenario are the CPU, GPU and sound card between us and the GPU/CPU may not matter, the only deduction then is the sound card.

    I’ll look into HOW to increase the audio buffer size, since I’ve never had to do that, this will be a learning experience.

    I don’t mind learning a new DAW, they are basically all the same, but Sonar is my second one and my second Cakewalk product. My brother was on Voyetra many years ago and eventually moved to a version of ProTools that he felt was far too complicated. He went onto Sonar about a year after I did and likes it. So here we are.

    We’ll try a couple of things, first of which would be to remove the sound card and see what happens.




    Don’t remove or uninstall anything. Just switch things.

    Check this out. Just select a similar Alesis product. If Buffer Size isn’t mentioned, you should at least see it as you go through the settings.

    EZD3 Tutorials | EZBass Tutorials | Toontrack themed FB Group | Toontrack themed Discord Group



    Thanks man. We’ll try this out and see what happens.


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