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What Interface and Mixing Board Used In NY Avatar Kit?

Studio Corner
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  • Jesper Borsch

    For The first one id say everything has a change and so did toontrack with superior 2.0
    The avatar sounds that come with S2
    Are if i remember right slightly processed, and if i recal right The superior 1 sounds where raw.
    The metal foundry sounds are raw but The metalhead ezx is a bit processed.

    For your second question

    Think The video says it all 🙂

    / Airhead


    Got the mixing board/preamp for The Metal Foundry = Neve

    But I couldn’t see or I missed if they said the interface. Just curious because these files are definitely better regardless of drum tone. Maybe Hedd, Lavry Gold, Prism, Forssell?

    PC, 2.4 Duo, Win XP, Cubase, S2.2.3, Metalheads


    Could have been standard PT Digi 192’s.

    The biggest factors in a great drum sound are the room, then the drums and their tunings.
    Big contributions are made by the drummer and the recording engineer.
    Then the mic/pre’s and eq’s.
    I think both Avatar and NY Legacy are all vintage Neve consoles, plus amazing mics of course.

    It’s hard to get an Avatar sound in a bad sounding room, even with fantastic recording equipment and a great drummer and engineer.
    However, if you have a great sounding room, you can achieve pretty amazing results with fairly basic, cheap gear, even cheap mics.


    Am I right in thinking than non of the DFHS or SD2 drum libraries where tracked to tape.

    I’m hoping their not – becasue I want to start mixing using the new UAD A800 tape plugin.

    I think I remember reading on Joe B. Evil Drums are tracked to tape?




    You’re right on all accounts i.e. DFHS an S2 or SDXs were not tracked to tape and that Evil Drums were.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    Thanks for the confirmation Scot –

    that’s good news – well for me anyway 🙂


    By the way – this is a fantastic forum, lot’s and lot’s of great and QUICK replies
    from Toontrack experts …. I’m very impressed.

    Glad I invested my money in toontrack products.


    Digi 192’s, curious what S1.0 used?

    Just curious because these files are definitely better regardless of drum tone.

    My comment took into account your reply Whitten about mics, drum tunings etc. I should’ve been more clear I guess, but detail, depth and stereo width were my curiosity on the new recordings. Things like an M-Audio vs Forssell interface would improve upon.

    PC, 2.4 Duo, Win XP, Cubase, S2.2.3, Metalheads


    I’m only guessing.
    A lot of people used 192’s initially because Digidesign made it so difficult to use 3rd party interfaces.
    I know Apogee and Prism interfaces are now popular, although you see a lot of 192’s in studios.
    192, Apogee or Prism would be my favourite guesses, not the M-Audio or Forsell.

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