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What do stereo only users lose by not downloading the last three libraries?

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  • Mark Stockwell

    First, these libraries:

    *** Download 3: “Room Mics 2 – Surround (5 ch)” (extra mics to achieve 5.0 surround, Front L/R, Center and Surround L/R)
    *** Download 4: “Room Mics 3 – Height Surround (6 ch)” (extra mics to achieve 11.0 surround, Front Height, Rear Height and Rear Height Wide )

    It sounds like they are primarily for 5.0 and 11.0 sound. I understand you can mix them in to your stereo outs, but that’s a lot of hard drive space to give up. How much do I lose by leaving those libraries out if I’m only creating stereo?

    Similarly, this library:

    *** Bleed Download: “Extra Bleed” (The rest of the bleed in the close mics). This installation can be installed at anytime after the initial Basic Sound Library (Download 1).

    I’m not even sure why I want this at all. I’m guessing this makes the final sound more realistic somehow, but I have to guess that this is a subtle effect.

    The question I’m wondering is just how much of the value of Superior Drummer 3.0 is in those extra libraries? Is this a case that I really just need to find the additional space or pass for now? Or are these primarily for people working in more than two stereo channels?


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  • Lee Shapiro

    As many of the intro videos mention, you don’t neeed to have 11.1 surround sound to utilize the extra mics. Just think of them as extra room ambient mics. I’ve heard the differences of each mic, solo and in combination of other mics. And with the right amount of mixing of all those mics, you can come up with some great sounding live drums.
    Or even studio drums with a fatter sound.
    My recommendation would be is to download at least parts 1 and 2, and if you have the room add part 3 (the surround mics). Personally, I hate dry sounding studio drums. I always add a little reverb or delay for that live sound. But with these surround mics, I don’t think I’ll need to add any extra effects. I’ll be getting a very NATURAL live drum sound, without the artificial addition of efx. But that’s just my preference. The bottom line is, you can just get by with the first two Parts, the basic sound Library and the room mics library. I don’t even really bother with bleed so much because in the mix, you really can’t hear bleeds. Just my 2 cents.


    Thanked by: mickmeanie
    Bill Greene

    Hey Lee?  could you help me?  I want to mix superior in the box, and bring it into my x32 console. Will it be one fader? or will I have to do it like keys and have lefty righty panned away from one another.

    Operating system: Windows 10
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