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  • kramervalentine



    When using Logic Pro’s “separate by midi note number”, I add the appropriate number of tracks to provide me the opportunity to individually edit and modify each of the drum tracks instruments.


    When I drag the hi hat track to it’s new track, the sound is of a half open hi hat, with none of the foot, closed or chipped sounds.


    What am I doing wrong?



    David Langdale

    Drummers can have control keys that tell an instrument how to perform.   Toontrack Drummer 3 has a unique method of working with Controller information. Open Grid Editor. On the left side menu, select the HiHat.  Select the downward arrow next to the instrument. Here are the articulations for the instrument.  In this case the HiHat.  For the note assignments, click Help and select Show MIDI Mapping Layout.

    EZDrummer 2, Open Drums tab, select the HiHat drop-down arrow. Open Details. To the right will show the Articulations assignments.  Here you can see the controller keys used for that hihat instrument.  Recording the midi output, not available in stand-alone, to to a midi track might help.




    And this holds true with EZ Drummer?

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