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Walk the Walk

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  • Bear-Faced Cow

    I like the groove and the overall song.

    The mix itself seems a bit busy, however. I also think that there is a bit too much echo on the vocals in the lead guitar. It almost confuses the mix. As well, the vocal sound a bit too “autotune-ish“ to my ears. Not sure if you used any, but it sounds that way to me.


    Jordan L. Chilcott

    Web Site:

    Ian McGregor

    Thanks Bear. Yes – I do use auto-tune – as without it my vocals are REALLY bad!  So I’m always left trying to balance how much is too much, and how much is too little.  I suppose the echo on the vocals is also used to mask some of those imperfections.

    Regarding the mix, I struggle to find a “standard” device on which I can gauge the final sound. To me, this song sounds awful played directly from an iPhone or iPad speaker, (as most end users probably do), but transforms into something much better using headphones. I do try to find a happy medium between clean studio monitors, speakers with subwoofer, and 2 or 3 different sets of headphones – what do you use for a final test platform?

    Thanks for your impressions on this project!




    I used to have a problem with reverb, but a great way to clean that up is to put reverb on an aux and follow the reverb with a compressor and send the vocal to the key on the compressor plugin (the sidechain) this way the reverb only gets triggered when the vocal is out of the way.  It makes  HUGE difference in cleaning up the reverbs and keeping the vocal clearer.. also you can EQ all the low end and a bunch of the high end out of the reverb (making a frowny face shape). That really helps!  This tip can be used on delays as well.  Best of luck to you! 🙂

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