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VST3 Compatability

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  • Steve McCullough

    VST3 though? That’s the main subject of the thread

    Juan Manuel

    It’s not about being Apple Silicon compatible, it’s about releasing EZmix 2 in a VST3 format. Cubase works exclusively with VST3 plug-ins, and it is one of the most popular DAWs. Also, VST3 has been going on for years now. Using Cubase in Roseta mode is not a solution. When can we expect to see this?

    Juan Manuel

    Your official website states that EZMix 2 is “compatible with Cubase 6 and above”. This is FALSE information, FALSE advertisement and blatant DECEPTIVE PRACTICES. Toontrack is officially cheating people to take their money. To this day EZMix 2.2.4 IS NOT compatible with Cubase 13 and 12 because it is not VST3, which is the only format accepted by this DAW on Apple Silicon.

    At the bottom of the page it reads “a prerequisite is that the host supports VST3”, again LIES, if the host supports VST3 it means EZMix 2 will not work with such host. It’s been years since Apple Silicon came out, even more since VST3 came out, why is your customer support so terrible?

    When will we get full VST3 compatibility for the products that we’ve invested in for years, Toontrack?

    Steve McCullough

    Juan makes a good point here. To be fair I don’t think anyone is asking for or expecting miracles from Toontrack, but at least getting a straight answer update would be helpful and I think go a long way to alleviate people’s concerns that they are being mislead and/or fobbed off.


    I don’t know about Cubase 13, but in my Cubase 12 Pro, EZmix2 and EZdrummer2 (both VST2) works like a charm.

    Steve McCullough

    What system are you running?


    Windows 11


    Thanked by: Steve McCullough
    Steve McCullough

    That explains it. I think most of the annoyance is (understandably) coming from Mac users

    Juan Manuel

    I don’t know about Cubase 13, but in my Cubase 12 Pro, EZmix2 and EZdrummer2 (both VST2) works like a charm.

    • The post has been modified 1 year ago by stompalero1"> 2 times, last modified 1 year ago by stompalero1.

    The title of the thread reads “VST3 compatibility”. As of today, EZMix is still not VST3.

    the problem is for Apple Silicon users with Cubase 13 and 12 in native mode (not Rosetta), which don’t admit VST2 anymore.

    Steve McCullough

    It might be even worse than that Juan, as I’m not sure they do run with Rosetta on Cubase 12 and 13

    Henry Pol

    I can confirm EZKeys and EZDrummer2 work with the latest Cubase 13 when using Rosetta.

Viewing 11 replies - 31 through 41 (of 41 total)

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