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Virtual Rock Band – need drummer

Studio Corner
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  • marcobrito


    Nobody is interested? It’s a good project and the musicians are from different countries. The process is easy. We send the wav file so that the drummer can hear. After that he work on it and later will be sent the file to us.
    If anyone has interested can at least give me a hand? I wanted to finish one of my songs just the same way as the music of AC/DC but I can not do this with the Ezdrummer. I use DFH.


    I’d be glad to help, let me know what you need.


    If you still need a drummer, contact me. I’m a rock drummer from Panama City, FL with over 25 years experience on stage and in the studio. I have Roland electronic and Tama acoustic kits for recording, a home studio, can work in most digital music formats and collaborate online.

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