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Vintage Rock expansion kit GLITCH

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  • Shootie

    Only SD3 can remove the mandatory alternate snare hit from the EZD1 expansions.

    EDIT: It took me a min to see exactly what you were reporting.

    EZD1 Expansions have a mandatory alternate hit on the snare. If you bring in a snare with no Alt Hit, it seems to go to the edge.

    EZD3 Tutorials | EZBass Tutorials | Toontrack themed FB Group | Toontrack themed Discord Group


    Thanks Shootie. I’ll see what the Toon official tells me tomorrow. I would not have bought the Vintage Rock expansion if I knew this. It is essentially non-functional like this. I watched a bunch of your vids in the past. I’ll let you know my resolution, I’ll be asking for a refund for the Vintage Rock expansion  since it’s broken and can’t be fixed. This seems really lazy on their part if they know about the issue.  Kinda sucks knowing I can’t buy any other expansions for ezd3 either. Very unhappy after spending so much on the program. I’ll have to post a vid on you tube warning others not to buy these expansions. Regrettable. Are you in touch with the developers?  They should really fix this or warn of the incompatability problem. Thanks again !


    I’m not in touch. There is a Customer Service forum at the site here that I report bugs/fixes/requests to. There’s a small chance you will get different feedback.

    I wish you luck on the return, and if you want to use the older products with this workflow in this manner, stick with EZD2 generation EZXs and above. You are using one of the few EZD1 EZXs.

    I get where you’re coming from, but if you’re open to workarounds. You could use 2 separate instances of EZD in a DAW. Load up that snare you’re trying to import in the second instance. Additionally I recommend these extra steps because they literally sound better than the more user-friendly method you’re using which limits your control over the Ambient Mics that come with that imported snare. When instead using 2 instances, that second instance with only the snare will give you a dedicated mixer controlling not only Room/Ambience mics, but potentially bleed as well depending on the preset. If you’re into tweaking stuff, you might dig that workflow. There’s a few methods on triggering both instances so it all works well.

    Hope it all works out!

    EZD3 Tutorials | EZBass Tutorials | Toontrack themed FB Group | Toontrack themed Discord Group


    They let me know the issue. here’s the email. Super happy to know the problem and not have it be a mystery!

    Toontrack Support (Toontrack)
    Apr 15, 2024, 1:36 AM CDT

    Hi Phillip,

    Thanks for your email.

    This is due to the format of this EZX. It was recorded with alternate hits (right and left) but other EZXs have not been recorded in this manner, so then the alternate hit is substituted with the edge articulation if you replace the snare when you have that EZX loaded.

    There is no toggle that deactivates just that behavior but you can use the Low Hit variation setting in Settings > Advanced to disable it and other randomizations.

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