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Viking / Folk Metal drums

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  • optofonik

    Is this the NBT because lately I keep coming across references to it? Listened to a bit of it on YouTube, Finntroll was a standout, and am intrigued by most of it. The promotional videos were quite entertaining and the well recorded clips from live performances stood up very well. Seems like you could combine some edited files from the Rock and Extreme MIDI packs for the performances; maybe use Jamstix to help make them more your own and do some appropriate processing.

    "Let us wander through a great modern city with our ears more attentive than our eyes..."

    Luigi Russolo, 1913


    Hey there Optofonik, cheers for the reply.

    Not sure if its the NBT, I have been listening to Viking Metal since about 1986 when Bathory started doing it. It has definitely got a lot more popular over the last few years though. Along with Folk Metal. Ill check out the Rock Midi packs see what they offer, but would really LOVE to see TOONTRACK do a dedicated set for Viking / Folk metal 🙂


    Is this drums or MIDI you’re after?


    SD2.3, NYII, C&V, MC, MF, ED, Latin Perc, Twisted, Pop, N1H, Electronic, Classic, Funkmasters, Rock Solid, Blues, Indie-Folk.


    I guess MIDI patterns is what I am after, as the drum sounds I have already are awesome, and I plan on buying the Metal Machine & Metalheads addons soon so got the drum sounds covered pretty much, just need better patterns more suited to the VIKING METAL.


    I don’t suppose there are any drum tabs available online. If, however, there are you could use to convert them to MIDI files. It would be up to you to humanize them although Jamstix might be able to help in that regard.

    "Let us wander through a great modern city with our ears more attentive than our eyes..."

    Luigi Russolo, 1913


    There are some Tabs about, so will Give this a go Optofonik. Cheers 🙂

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