Hi, can someone help with setting up my VH 11 hi hat pedal. I m using logic pro 9 as my DAW and Superior drummer as my sound module. My e drums kit is TD15KV. I realise when i record my hi hat in logic pro 9, it does not record as closed edge and closed tip when i m playing 8th note on it. What articulation i should click to learn the closed edge and closed on the hi hat? When i m close my hi hat and hit it, only closed tip is being trigger even when i m hitting at the edge of the hats.
are you using the ‘Roland’ E-drums MIDI Preset in Superior 2?
There may be a ‘High’/’Normal’ Resolution setting for your HH in your module, if so, please set it to ‘High’.
Did you try the Pedal Correction curves on the Mapping page in Superior 2?
John Rammelt - Toontrack
Technical Advisor
Hi john, i have set the the E drum midi preset to roland and pedal correction to more curve 2. There’s no High/Low resolution in my td 15kv module.
If your module is at Factory Settings, you do not need to change or re-learn any MIDI notes, they should all match for the HH.
If your VH-11 is properly calibrated in your module, you can tweak the response curve yourself on the Mapping page (see picture).
If you experience that not all notes are being triggered, I’d start with checking that the module is indeed set to Factory settings and that it sends different notes for the zones by recording MIDI and inspect it.
John Rammelt - Toontrack
Technical Advisor
@John said:
If your module is at Factory Settings, you do not need to change or re-learn any MIDI notes, they should all match for the HH.
If your VH-11 is properly calibrated in your module, you can tweak the response curve yourself on the Mapping page (see picture).
If you experience that not all notes are being triggered, I’d start with checking that the module is indeed set to Factory settings and that it sends different notes for the zones by recording MIDI and inspect it.
Hi john, my module is in factory setting. So when I play on the edge of my vh 11,what sample should be triggered? Closed edge or tight tip? As for the open hats, it sounded ok.
if you are using the Roland E-drums MIDI Preset, hitting the Edge of your VH-11 should trigger the ‘hatsTrig’ articulation. Hitting the Bow of the VH-11 should trigger the ‘hatsTipTrig’ articulation. The CC Data sent when you move the pedal will determine which level of open or closed sound will be played back. There is no direct mapping of the individual closed and open articulations, only the ‘Trig’ articulations and the Closed Pedal.
John Rammelt - Toontrack
Technical Advisor
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