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Very slow download speed in Toontrack Product Manager

Product Manager
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  • braxfitz

    my speed test shows me at 150 Mbps, but the download wont go over 22mbps. Please help

    Ron Grimes

    These comments were in 2016 and NOTHING HAS CHANGED. I purchased a Mac Pro 2019 and have reinstalled GIGS and GIGS of sample data and plugins and programs and this is THE ONLY ONE that is taking FOREVER. Like it shows I am going to be out of business for over a week downloading these products.

    I need to speed this up. Please tell me you have another way to get the products to me.



    System info

    Operating system: macOS Catalina (10.15)

    I’m sorry you are having download trouble. The best way to get help with download speeds is to contact Toontrack Support directly via the Contact Support button in the FAQ below. There are ISP checks and tests that can be done and info about your computer configurations that they will need.

    How do I contact support?

    If you are using Wi-Fi, please try to connect an ethernet cable to your router instead.


    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

    ted lott

    It’s obvious that toontrack has no plan to help any of us with this situation. The automated responses and finger pointing back to the user kinda says it all.

    Scott Van Schoyck

    Totally agree.. I just purchased SD3 and I’m trying to download the libraries and it’s crawling. It’s obvious they are throttling at 4.9MBs/sec, and my 40GB download says 2+ hours. I’m on a 2Gb internet connection, and it’s blazing fast everywhere else. One would think that after 80 customers complaining about the same problem, they would fix it… “sigh”



    Okay, 2 or so hours later… I finally got tired of waiting and tried to figure out wth?!? It had slowed down to 2.2MB/s, so I paused the download (which I had already done numerous times) and went into the Network app under settings on the Mac and highlighted my wifi connection and then clicked the advanced button on the bottom right. I clicked on the Proxies tab and unchecked the “Use Passive FTP (PASV)” box. I also checked “Automatically Discovery Proxy” (even though i’m not behind one), then clicked OK and Apply. When I went back and restarted the download, it was getting 70+ MB’s/s.

    I do realize neither of those settings should have anything to do with the download, but it sure worked for me. I hope this helps someone else, and sorry I bad mouthed you earlier ToonTrack!


    Operating system: macOS Monterey (12)


    Thanked by: Tony_aman

    This worked for me too! Went from 500-600Kb/s to about 6-7MB/s

    Thanks for the tip, I had a feeling there was some sort of Mac “feature” blocking this.


    I genuinely cannot believe how slow the download speeds are and how long people have been experiencing this for. I’m currently getting 0.6MB/s when my internet speed should be getting me 85MB/s. This isn’t acceptable. Taking 15m to download a 520MB file is shocking.

    No other service I use has this issue. Please can Toontrack actually fix this issue?

    Operating system: Windows 11

    Holy cow, As of forum 2016 to 2024, this issue has not been resolved. Holy shit please please please please please please please please please please I’m begging please fix this issue.

    Glenn Stanton

    many (many) companies use bandwidth quotas to “spread the love” as storage and download (traffic) costs can be very high. direct, Amazon, distributed cache etc all have different abilities and price tags for a company. so it’s not too surprising the download speeds are consistently lower than people might like. i have 1.2GB connection to my home router and 50GB local network backbone speeds. and many (did i mention many?) sites where i download products (NI i’m looking at you!) have quotas which reduce downloads to dial-up modem speeds or at most 1-2mbs (=100-200Kbs)

    so. i just get on with other activities while downloading things, stress kills. fwiw — companies providing these downloadable products would probably save money by simply mailing you a DVD LOL.


    jamie goff

    yeah, I was so fed up when I posted this. I love their stuff but geeez!!! I did hook up an ethernet cable and it worked a lot better.

    jamie goff

    does it help with widows as well?

    Glenn Stanton

    yeah, wifi is a strange animal – technically each “sub-channel” has a maximum speed and they simply multiplex many subchannels to get to the total throughput. then depending on your hardware, many times a single CPU core is allocated to the network transmissions and on home users, the IO to the disk is a single NUMA channel. Ethernet on the other hand , is also limited to roughly 50% (on a single connection) but there is no arbitrary multiplexing going on so it tends to be more consistent in throughput. and some hardware can directly use DMA hardware on the Ethernet (whereas wifi  boards have a different routing — more like USB internally). some devices can use multiple CPU cores (even if only a single NUMA is available) to process the network communications which if your IO and disks are fast enough will significantly improve performance and perception.

    in general a modern computer (say last 5 years) should be more than fast enough in networking — but at the end of the day – you’re still limited by your neighborhood network and WAN + internet routing restrictions and service quotas…

    Operating system: Windows 11


    Semi Kolon

    Sitting in Frankfurt/GER (Europe’s internet line hub for what it’s worth)and also got extreme slow DL speeds for EZD 3 Core Library (estimated 70-400hrs of DL time).

    Saw somewhere else online the tip to try a US server via VPN, now the DL was finished in under 10 minutes!

    (Looks like the servers used for central european customers aren’t that great…)

    Maybe this will work for someone else here as well.

    Operating system: macOS Sonoma (14)
    Dave Frattaroli

    Crazy that this is still an issue.  My boot drive died and I’ve been reinstalling everything for the last 3 days.  I have a DL speed over 100MBPS but Toontrack files come down around 10-12MBPS.  Unacceptable.

    Win11, 13th Gen I5 w/ 64GB RAM.

    Operating system: Windows 11
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