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Very slow download speed in Toontrack Product Manager

Product Manager
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  • Ian

    Same story here- busy downloading Superior 3 and it’s going at about 0.6Mb/s instead of the 6Mb/s I usually get in my rural location. Was updating all my Cubase and associated stuff immediately prior to starting with the TT stuff, and that was arriving nearly 10 times faster.

    SD 3 | TD4 KX | Cubase Pro 10.0.40 | Win7


    @Ian Stephenson said:
    Same story here- busy downloading Superior 3 and it’s going at about 0.6Mb/s instead of the 6Mb/s I usually get in my rural location. Was updating all my Cubase and associated stuff immediately prior to starting with the TT stuff, and that was arriving nearly 10 times faster.  

    Noone will ever be able to help you if you don’t give some more details about your location, your provider, your connection speed etc.

    Regards Reiner


    Hello, same here. Bougt SD3 update and now download core library. DM says 15hours for 40gb.. .so … on i have 100mbit download. how can it speed up the download.. sorry for bad english…
    from Germany 🙂


    @h-trax said:
    Hello, same here. Bougt SD3 update and now download core library. DM says 15hours for 40gb.. .so … on i have 100mbit download. how can it speed up the download.. sorry for bad english…
    from Germany 🙂  

    I am from Germany too. I am connected with 200 MBit at Kabel Deutschland (now: Vodafone). My computer is connected to my router via WLAN repeater and I usually get between 6 and 9 MByte/sec.

    Regards Reiner

    Phil Buckle

    Registering my problems with Download Manager and slow download speeds. I have contacted support and they have referred me to their CDN.
    I just downloaded Project Sam (a string library for Kontakt) and it took a couple of hours….average download speed of 3.50 mb/s

    Trying to download my update to S3…..yet again…… I get a download speed of 120kb …..ha……ha….kind of funny.
    Ok it’s been a week since I paid for this and there is no way I can download it.

    Telling your customers that “there is something usually wrong with your ISP” is……as we say in Australia….a crock of shit.
    Disingenuous at the very least.

    Do a Google of “Toontrack slow download speed” and see what comes up. Interesting?

    You guys seem to have a problem and you have had this problem for some time.

    It’s now 2 days and I have not heard from your CDN. I paid for your product a week ago.

    I am a patient but after a while, it runs out.

    Gerald Sharp

    Hi All

    Just what to add my sixpence worth, that I have a fibre line, and bought superior drummer 3 and am experiencing a consistent 1.2m per second on a 10m fibre line. This is unusual. While the download is running, a speedtest shows 8.75 download speed, which makes sense to me ,as together with the 1.2m being used, by the manager, it makes nearly 10, which is what I expect. However, I am wanting the download speed to be 10, and this would indicate that the issue is most likely on the Toontrack side, whose servers seem to be only pushing out these lower speeds. Hope this helps someone find a solution for others in the future. I am prepared to grin and bare it, because I am super excited about the product. At least the products is coming down without error. 🙂

    Kind regards

    Ab Aberkrom

    I love Toontrack’s drums and keys, but I certainly hope this will get improved! The speed indeed is terrible. 3,8Mb/s, feels almost like going back to the old modem! Downloading the new superior 3 upgrade which takes 3 to 4 hours for each file, bringing it to 15-20 hours! Started downloading yesterday, will still download until 4 or 5 hours after this message. Crazy!

    Chris Wilson

    I am also experiencing slow download speeds. I just purchased the upgrade to SD3 and have more than 200GB of library to download. My download speed is usually about 50mb/s and I’m getting 3mb/s to 5mb/s from the Toontrack Product Manager. Just for reference, I’m in Oregon, United States and have no problems with downloading other files (just downloaded a bunch of WAV drum loops and got 50mb/s).

    Mr. Rammelt, can you give us an update on what the issue is?

    Matt Egan

    I am also experiencing slow download speeds. My Location is in Melbourne Australia with a 100Mbit internet connection.
    The original post for this topic was November 22nd 2016 – over one year later – customers are still having speed issues with Toontrack Product Manager.

    SD3 Library update 1.0.2 is downloading at 0.2kB/s – I only have to wait 113 hours for that one.
    The other update is SD3 3.0.3 update is downloading at 4.1kB/s – I have to wait 19 hours for that one.

    I remember the good old days when you use to log into your account and download directly from the web site and be able to download the updates in minutes.
    This new content distribution network (CDN) using some bastardised version of a peer-to-peer (P2P) content-delivery network is broken – really broken.
    I understand it’s a cost saving measure by Toontrack to save money on data distribution – but if this continues you will not have to worry about saving money as you will not have a customer base to worry about.


    I hope all you guys writing in this thread have contacted Toontrack Support directly.
    To get to the bottom of your specific download problems and if there are things that can be corrected at the CDN, it is important that all issues get properly logged and reported.


    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

    jean-baptiste bocle

    Same here while downloading SD3,
    It starts downloading and holds between 6 to 8bMB/ps for a few minutes then goes down and down to crawling speeds
    like 122 KB/s and then stuck to 0.0 Kps while still saying downloading, so I have to pause and resume like every 3 minutes.
    This seems to be a pretty widespread issue, I’m going to contact tech support like John Rammelt said users should do.

    Meanwhile, anybody getting info from tech support or resolving
    issues successfully?

    Ross McDougall

    Any update as to why download speeds through this product manager are so terrible?

    I’m on gigabit fibre in New Zealand. Averaging anywhere between 40kbs to 400kbs yet my speed tests are giving me 360mb download speeds.

    Have 60gig of files to download and last I checked it said 300 hours to go.


    Jan skovmand

    I am having the same problem. Extrem slow dwl and a very long dwl time. At best I am having a 8 mb/s dwl speed. worst speed is 0.0 and I have FTH 100/100….

    What seem to be the problem????

    Phil Buckle

    I’m hoping that the support team is back from holidays and that I will hear from them.

    I paid for the upgrade almost 3 weeks ago.

    I tried again to download today and my download speed is 22kbs…….yes you read that correctly.

    BUT I just downloaded a 70 gig String library from Spitfire Audio and it took around 5 hours. No problems.

    Dana willax

    I am legit losing my mind trying to finish this download of SD3. I have been at it non stop for 7 days straight. I look at the DL speed, 2MB’s look away, look back, 0.0KB’s over 1000 hrs to complete. What can I do to fix this?

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