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Very slow download speed in Toontrack Product Manager

Product Manager
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  • John

    Hi Fesny,

    there is no standard solution, no. In just about every case of slow downloads so far, it has been some kind of local problem/IP temporary connection problem that seems to have gone away for the user the next day. What I can provide via an email is just some troubleshooting steps if it really points to problems with downloading Toontrack products only from your location.


    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    I’m having trouble also. Within a few minutes of starting the download the speed drops to 0. Nothing else on the PC or other devices in the house are affected. Makes it tough! :p


    OK, sent you an email.


    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    I did a clean install of my OS so I’m re-downloading everything. I’m also having the same issue downloading the Avatar S2.0 Core Library. It will fly as high as 8.0 MB/s and then drop all the way to zero. If there’s a better and faster way to download this please point me in the right direction, thanks.



    no better or faster way than with the Product Manager. The only thing I’m emailing is a list with stuff Support wants to know to see if there’s anything that can be done our end, so to speak.
    So far, it seems it is always something at the user end or the user’s Internet Service Provider and it rectifies within a few days.


    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

    jamie goff

    I need help with this as well, it is taking metal foundry 52 hrs to download. why????? the old way was way better, took just a few minutes.

    jamie goff

    @John said:

    no better or faster way than with the Product Manager. The only thing I’m emailing is a list with stuff Support wants to know to see if there’s anything that can be done our end, so to speak.
    So far, it seems it is always something at the user end or the user’s Internet Service Provider and it rectifies within a few days.


    if there is no faster way than product manager, why does it do this?????


    Hi jamie,

    The Metal Foundry is 35 GB(!) and has never been available as a download before the Product Manager. It would take a while, even with a fast connection.
    If you feel that you have much better connection speed downloading from other sites, please let me know and I will contact you by email.


    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

    Travis Simons

    I just purchased EZDrummer 2 and while the expansion packs that I also purchased downloaded relatively quickly (~2MB/s), the actual application is downloading painfully slow (100KB/s) and says it’s going to take almost 7 hours. Pausing and resuming to attempt to find a faster connection did nothing.

    I went to this forum to research this topic, and while I see this is a common problem, the only response i’ve seen so far is “I’ve sent you an e-mail”. Kind of negates the purpose of having a forum environment to post solutions for others, but I digress.

    If someone could let me know if they have a fix or alternate download method then please let me know.



    Hi Travis,

    as I wrote above, there is no alternate download or secret trick in that email, we’re just asking about IP address and stuff to see if we can do anything our end.
    In almost all cases so far, the problem has not been in the Toontrack end but rather with the ISP or something else at the user end and sort of fixes itself after a day or so.

    Please let me know if you want me to send you an email with the enquiry.


    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

    jamie goff

    Hey Travis, i got metal foundry and progressive foundry, i had a hard time with both of those. Progressive took 2 and half days to download and the metal took 2 days. I mean this problem is common enough it has to be on toontracks end. But aftrr its all done its worth the wait Toontrack has some killer stuff.

    Christian Spahn

    Hi Travis

    I am having the same problem. My internet connection via speed test is about 6 Mbps, but the Avatar core library slows down to 50-60kb/s and will therefore take for ever to load. I am also in South Korea, and usually the internet is extremely fast here, so it is kind of strange. any suggestion welcomed, else – as mentioned above – should i just wait a day? it seems to be a frequent issue though, looking at google and the forums,
    thanks for any help,

    Max Ottzen


    Still problems with download – it’ll last days 😮
    Guess You Toontrack-guys needs a better server/provider??


    Don Dally

    Hi. Could you send me the same email you sent to everyone else with slow downloads speeds? I don’t think I’ll be able to download it all at this rate.


    Dominic Fournier

    Hi. I bought Superior drummer 3 a few days ago.
    I still haven’t finished installing it because it took 2 days to download just part 1 of the core library. I have never had this problem with the manager before and after testing my internet connection, everything is normal on my end.
    I started downloading part 2 of the core library last night and I’m still just at 60%, with an average of 100 kbs. This is not normal.

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