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Great deals on software, sounds and MIDI!*


Very disappointed with the programs, the worst program purchases I ever made

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  • darkwalkerhero

    Hello Ketil, I don’t work for Toontrack but maybe I can give you some info. Yes you can resell your license. The first thing I do is read the terms of service before any purchase of software. I suggest that you do that before future your purchases. No, they don’t have any Swedish Dansband for that matter no German polka or Chinese folk music but if you read the manual and or the instruction videos you will see that you could customize to suit almost any style. Not only that all the Instruments are totally playable you can make your own midi or you can bring midi from whatever source. I often use midi from  outside of toon track. If you want to sell your license here’s a good place to do it…

    For me Toontrack has been the best resource, but I’m not an expert.

    Good luck

    Derrick Blues Walker

    Ketil Ervik

    Thanks for answear. Am have try everything but program style dont match my musicstyle. But how to seiling lisens?

    Ketil Ervik


    Thanks for answear. Am have try everything but program style dont match my musicstyle. But how to seiling lisens?

    See my reply to your post in this thread:

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

    Derek Frampton

    Your musical situation is very unique. I personally don’t think it’s fair to blame Toontrack for your musical tastes.

    …are you SURE there are no VSTs that would suffice to fit your needs?

    Ketil Ervik

    Of course, I do not blame the toontrack for the shortcomings found in the programs that flush my taste in music. I see that I have to type the drums manually with my midi pad in Tab2Find So I do not sell ezdrums.

    When it comes to ezbass, I’m more unsure if I can record from my electric bass guitar into ezbass! I’m a bassist, so really, I can play manuly this in track in Reaper vid my bassguitar. If possible it is ezbass I should sell! Must read more about this program first. The same goes for ezkeys.

    Will try to see if I can manually play bass guitar, keyboard and drums into this programs. More work to make this happen,

    What I am disappointed with when it comes to these programs, was that I mostly have to record everything manually.

    The question is whether I can lift / copy what I produce myself to Browser in this programs, to be able to make a stock of different rhythms, drums, piano and bass? I have not yet gotten to grips with that yet. Since I bought all these programs, I have gone in and out of hospital, and I am currently a little given up and do not have the same patience as before, sorry for that. But am bether now and try to begin to understand posibilitys vid this programs. And so far i most play in everything manual into all this programs becouse of my music tast.

    Possibly it is me who has not studied these programs enough! and I thought I would simplify my work tasks! so it was not, so I was disappointed, but not over the toontrack.

    Ketil Ervik


    Thanked by: Derek Frampton
    Derek Frampton

    I understand your predicament now. Thanks for the clarification! I wish you well!

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