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Using SD2 with my DTXTREM III

E-drum Workshop
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  • Greg

    The DTX III has USB out, so you should be able to plug right into the Imac (assuming it has a USB port).  Download the USB driver from yamaha’s website. Also  be sure to get the latest patch for SD2 which has yamaha support.  Just leave your DTX on Kit 1 and you should be set.

    Intel 13900K, Windows 11 , Cubase Pro 13.0.30, Studio One, 64GB RAM, UA Apollo x4 and UA Apollo X8 Thunderbolt,, 64 sample buffer size, Radeon 570, 42″ 4k monitor

    MIDI controller: Roland A-37, Jamstik Studio, MCU Pro + expander
    Drum Brain: Yamaha DTX 900, RHH135 hihat, 2 crash and 1 ride cymbal, 4 toms.


    Thanks for your reply.

    Well I have four USB port on my Imac, but I can’t download the driver from the yamaha website …. “downloading failed”

    When I tried with others files, all download process are ok, but not with the version that I have to used……


    I’ve just downloaded it from the synth page.

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