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Using PC keyboard in tap-to-find… How?

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  • Scott

    I use Reaper and Cubase as my host DAW and both allow MIDI input via a qwerty keyboard. That, in conjunction with a proper ASIO audio driver provide excellent results. What DAW are you using and what ASIO supported audio device are you using?

    With good ASIO drivers I also use my mouse with great results. You don’t have to play the whole groove into Tap2Find all at once. I’ll tap the kick first, then the snare. Then layer the hh if I need to.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    I honestly have no idea what DAW and ASIO I am using, nor do much care right now to have to learn about any of that shit. All I do is just open up EZD2 by double clicking on the icon on my desktop and then I just start using it. All I want is be able to activate one drum by hitting a KEY, and another drum by hitting a different KEY, NOT to be required to click on every drum with the stupid mouse. Which options WITHIN THE PROGRAM allow me to do that. The second part of your post is utterly useless because I did not ask for any advise on HOW to construct drum track in the program. What I asked was how to activate use of the keyboard. If I have to fuss and tinker around with third party applications in order to accomplish what I want to do then I am going to be quite seriously disappointed.


    Standalone version of EZD2 can’t be MIDI triggered via a qwerty keyboard.

    I was only offering advise to help you.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    I’ll start looking for a different program to use. Thanks. Two stars.

    Scott Eshleman

    Control of virtual instruments, like EZDrummer2 is commonly done with a MIDI controller; i.e. a keyboard or percussion pad.

    However, after seeing your post, I did do some research
    and I found a few (albeit complicated) means of using your QWERTY keyboard as a MIDI controller:

    Michael Miranda

    I totally understand where your coming from dlroworld, it would be great to tap a beat using the keyboard as it’s nigh on impossible to get it right using the mouse. But hell man, have some f’kin manners when asking for help. My eight year old son wouldn’t have that I WANT IT I NEED IT NOW! attitude.

    Luke M

    I figured it out so made a video:


    I figured it out so made a video:

    <iframe src=”; name=”fitvid0″ frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen=”allowfullscreen” data-mce-fragment=”1″></iframe>

    This is bloody aces Luke!! Answered a nagging issue i have had with the tap 2 find for over a year now! I’d buy you a drink if i could! Thank you so much.

    Going to share this with the others on my own forum if you don’t mind. Cheers.


    Thanked by: tonyc74 and Luke M

    Cool video,thanks!,thats what I needed.Can one also use a midi keyboard controller to control the drums in tap to find? I have sd3.

    Thanks 🙂


    Good work mate,


    I get it to work, sometimes. But can’t find the kickdrum key. What am I missing?


    This video is what I needed. Thank you so much for this Luke !

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