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Using Offline Bouncing

Studio Corner
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  • Olof Westman
    Forum Crew

    If you enable all ‘bleed’ and have no layer limits and voice limits you will load several
    GBs of RAM and render more than a thousand concurrent voices. Not all computers
    can handle that and render the rest of your song project at the same time. That was
    particularly true when S2 was launched in 2008 (and even more so for S1 in 2004).

    So – you are given the option to render your drums to disk and then import
    them as wav-files into your project.

    /Olof W

    Olof Westman - Toontrack

    Brian Brimmer

    Hi Olof, Is it better to bounce to disk or to record you project into mapped tracks?


    Olof Westman
    Forum Crew

    The major difference is that the built in bounce will typically use
    all the sounds available for all mics. You can get the same
    result online by enabling all sounds in all mics. That will
    require alot of RAM but RAM is cheap nowadays.

    Olof Westman - Toontrack

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