I am new to EZD and my goal is to use it to create the whole MIDI score for a drum set, so having a pre-recorded drum track to sing above (karaoke).
Currently I build the drum tracks (5: kick, snare, hihat, cymbals, toms) with Sibelius, then import to Live and make midi sound though Kontakt.
With EZD I expect to simplify the process.
Here are my basic doubts
In EZD Mixer I cannot select Multichannel or Stereo, only tracks 1 to 8. Maybe this is the cause for the following issues
I have a track in Live (Midi) with EZD 1.0 as VST. I configure the EZD mixer for several channels. But the clip/loop sounds full anyway, how to assign inputs in Live?
I suppose I have to build as many midi loops as variations might be in the song, making every one to sound for the specific number of measures. Is it right?
Some loop will be just silence (say, the drum begins at mid song, not at the very beginning). How to place EZD loops mid – song in Live?
Once the midi loop created, can I make it sound through Kontakt or has it to sound through EZD?
If the song consists of, say, 25 loops, most of them very similar one to each other, and some of them then same, like this
loop A for 4 measures
loop B for 2 measures
loop C for 8 measures
D for 2
E for 1
A for 5
B for 1
D for 3,
What if I change my mind and want to slightly modify loop A (add a tom beat) and, consequently, loops C and F (suppose they are derived of A)?