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Using Cubase, Roland TD4 & ezdrummer 2

Studio Corner
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  • Henrik

    Not all hosts support drag and drop directly to desktop, plugins etc. But if you can drag MIDI from the host to the desktop etc. then you can drag it to EZdrummer 2 too.

    By unsuccessful – do you mean that you don’t get a MIDI block on the song track at all? If you have a MIDI file on you hard drive, you can just drag and drop it onto the track in EZdrummer 2.

    Henrik Ekblom - User Experience Designer


    Thanks, Henrik. Actually I just found success last night…I brought MIDI into the song track so all good there. Now I’m trying to find the best method for separating all tracks and bringing them back into Cubase for individual mixing. Do you suggest exporting each track as a WAV file and then importing to Cubase, or isn’t there a trick where you can bring them all over at once? I think I saw a video on that but I can’t find it.

    The biggest problem is latency while recording my performance. Not sure what the best solution is for that, since I’m recording drum performances into my DAW while trying to monitor playback of tracks also from the DAW. Ideally I’d like to hear the EZD sounds while I’m tracking (because they’re so GREAT!).


    Here’s a video on setting up multi out in Cubase:

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    Thanks, Scott!

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