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User MIDI File Organization & Mapping?

Superior Drummer 3 Pre-sales
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  • Brabyn

    If you have a MIDI file containing meta-events with time signature and tempo information for a piece of music, it can be imported into a Revoice track to display the bar/beat information.

    Any solution? mykfcexperience



    changing the MIDI notes “internally” in SD3, is actually moving the articulation in question to another key/note.
    When you set up a Custom MIDI In Mapping, SD3 listens to incoming notes and re-routes them to the right notes.

    If I were to change the notes for all Kick, Snare and Tom articulations in the MIDI Mapping Property Box on the Drums page, i.e. really change them not using a MIDI In transforming, there is no way for SD3 to know how to play back Toontrack or GM formatted MIDI correctly. Also, applying a MIDI In Preset assumes the notes you’re transforming to are in the “correct” position.
    If it’s not, you will have to create a MIDI In Preset that transforms notes from the other formatting’s note position to your Custom note position for an articulation.

    Does this clarify?

    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

    Brooks H

    Does this clarify?

    Yes, but this just seems very odd. Let me ask a different way and for a suggestion.


    If changing the internal MIDI mapping doesn’t playback Toontrack MIDI correctly, what would its use be? Why would someone change the internal MIDI mapping if it plays everything incorrectly?


    Secondly, do you have a suggestion for accomplishing what I’m looking to accomplish? I’d like all MIDI to match my custom mapping. I understand how MIDI In mapping works. I understand how to keep that mapping when I drag a recorded pattern out from the song track. But I do not know how to get Toontrack MIDI to match that mapping. A typical scenario for this need would be that I recorded a pattern in my DAW, but I want to replace the hats & ride with Toontrack patterns. What would be an efficient way to do this?

    SD3 v3.3.6, EZbass v1.1.7, EZkeys v1.3.4
    Studio One v5.5.2, Cubase v12.0.60
    3.6GHz Intel i9 iMac, 64GB RAM, OS 12.6.1


    If changing the internal MIDI mapping doesn’t playback Toontrack MIDI correctly, what would its use be? Why would someone change the internal MIDI mapping if it plays everything incorrectly?

    Say you add another kick, and you want that to always be the default kick. Then you can set it to note 36, and change the original kick to any other note. Now most MIDI will use the new kick instead (since 36 is the standard note for kicks). Just one example of why you could use the internal MIDI.

    Secondly, do you have a suggestion for accomplishing what I’m looking to accomplish? I’d like all MIDI to match my custom mapping. I understand how MIDI In mapping works. I understand how to keep that mapping when I drag a recorded pattern out from the song track. But I do not know how to get Toontrack MIDI to match that mapping. A typical scenario for this need would be that I recorded a pattern in my DAW, but I want to replace the hats & ride with Toontrack patterns. What would be an efficient way to do this?

    If you enable the MIDI IN mapping, and first drag a Toontrack MIDI file to the Song Track then drag it to your DAW, it will be reverse-mapped (so it fits the current MIDI IN mapping).

    • You may be able to drag the MIDI straight to the DAW from the Grooves tab and get it reverse MIDI mapped, I’m not sure and it’s hard to check since I am on vacation at the moment 🙂

    Henrik Ekblom - User Experience Designer

    • This post was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by Henrik.
    Brooks H

    …If you enable the MIDI IN mapping, and first drag a Toontrack MIDI file to the Song Track then drag it to your DAW, it will be reverse-mapped (so it fits the current MIDI IN mapping)…

    I could’ve sworn I tried this. Do I need to disable my MIDI In mapping before I drag to my DAW?

    I’ll have to try this again. Once I get this to work, I’m happy.

    SD3 v3.3.6, EZbass v1.1.7, EZkeys v1.3.4
    Studio One v5.5.2, Cubase v12.0.60
    3.6GHz Intel i9 iMac, 64GB RAM, OS 12.6.1

    Brooks H

    @Henrik this worked except my remapped kick is not making the drag & drop to my DAW. I tried in both Logic and the MPC software to make sure. All other MIDI seems to be dropping fine.

    My kick is on both A & A#.

    Are you able to test this? Not sure if this is a bug or user error.

    SD3 v3.3.6, EZbass v1.1.7, EZkeys v1.3.4
    Studio One v5.5.2, Cubase v12.0.60
    3.6GHz Intel i9 iMac, 64GB RAM, OS 12.6.1


    I was mistaken, the MIDI is not “reverse mapped” when dragged from Superior Drummer 3 to a DAW, so you are correct in that nothing happens in that scenario. So all transforms are made when MIDI is going in to SD3 – either by having MIDI in the DAW, or dragging a MIDI file in to SD3.

    Henrik Ekblom - User Experience Designer

    Brooks H

    Henrik, I think you missed my last question. Or am I misunderstand?

    When dragging MIDI from SD3, my kick is not making the drop into my DAWs. Everything else, at least the articulations I tested with, are dropping to the remapped notes as desired.

    I’m setting MIDI In to my custom mapping, dragging a groove from the SD3 browser to the Song Creator (I didn’t try direct to DAW, but will do so), then dragging that block to my DAW. In both Logic Pro X and MPC software, the kick is not ending up in my DAW’s sequencer. All other articulations in the groove are dropped according to my custom map.

    Is this a glitch? Are you able to reproduce this? My kick is mapped to both A0 and A#0.

    SD3 v3.3.6, EZbass v1.1.7, EZkeys v1.3.4
    Studio One v5.5.2, Cubase v12.0.60
    3.6GHz Intel i9 iMac, 64GB RAM, OS 12.6.1


    Henrik, I think you missed my last question. Or am I misunderstand?

    When dragging MIDI from SD3, my kick is not making the drop into my DAWs. Everything else, at least the articulations I tested with, are dropping to the remapped notes as desired.

    I’m setting MIDI In to my custom mapping, dragging a groove from the SD3 browser to the Song Creator (I didn’t try direct to DAW, but will do so), then dragging that block to my DAW. In both Logic Pro X and MPC software, the kick is not ending up in my DAW’s sequencer. All other articulations in the groove are dropped according to my custom map.

    Is this a glitch? Are you able to reproduce this? My kick is mapped to both A0 and A#0.

    Can you save a Superior Drummer 3 project where this happens, so we can check it out? Attach the project to a post here.

    Henrik Ekblom - User Experience Designer

    Brooks H

    I will do that this evening (US EST).



    SD3 v3.3.6, EZbass v1.1.7, EZkeys v1.3.4
    Studio One v5.5.2, Cubase v12.0.60
    3.6GHz Intel i9 iMac, 64GB RAM, OS 12.6.1

    Brooks H

    I tried to attach the file but I don’t see it attached after submitting the post.  The post doesn’t show a file that I can see. Or it might be here several times from each attempt.

    If it is here, I tried to use a groove utilizing a variety of kit pieces. Two things…

    1. The stated issue, the kick mapped to both A0 and A#0 are not making the drop to my DAW.
    2. Everything else seems to be making the drop, but much of it is dropping to default notes. Is it possible to unmap notes as my mapping is adding to, not removing default notes. Other than snares and some ride, all other hits drop to the default mapped notes.

    If it’s not attached, please advise on how to attach. I clicked “Select File” under Attachments, selected the file and hit Choose. It looks like it’s there until I hit Submit.

    SD3 v3.3.6, EZbass v1.1.7, EZkeys v1.3.4
    Studio One v5.5.2, Cubase v12.0.60
    3.6GHz Intel i9 iMac, 64GB RAM, OS 12.6.1



    you may have to ZIP it first, before you ‘Select File’.



    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    I tried to attach the file but I don’t see it attached after submitting the post.

    Side note – you did it correctly so it should have worked. The web developers will have a look at this…

    Henrik Ekblom - User Experience Designer

    Brooks H

    Trying from a different computer, zipping the file.

    Edit: Yup! Thanks John! The file is there despite the error I see. Hopefully that’s from me trying prior to zipping.

    SD3 v3.3.6, EZbass v1.1.7, EZkeys v1.3.4
    Studio One v5.5.2, Cubase v12.0.60
    3.6GHz Intel i9 iMac, 64GB RAM, OS 12.6.1


    Thanked by: Henrik

    I checked the project you attached.

    You have the kick notes on note 36 in the Superior Drummer 3 MIDI, and the kick is listening to note 36 – so it works when you have the MIDI in Superior Drummer 3.

    In the MIDI mapping, you have set up note 36 to be mapped to note 127, which leads to that it plays the snare rimshot when you drag it to the DAW!

    Further, you had mapped note 33 and 34 to note 36 (the kick), but I don’t think you have any notes that plays either 33 or 34, so that mapping doesn’t do anything.

    Henrik Ekblom - User Experience Designer

    • This post was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by Henrik.
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