Use Midi Beat in EZ drum2 has measure added when dragging to PT12 Inst Track

Studio Corner
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  • John


    IIRC, this has been happening for a long time with Pro Tools and I think it has to do with the last note off being close to the boundary of the measure end.
    Just crop it in Pro Tools, I do it right away when it occasionally happens. If the multi Tool is active, it’s literally a 1-second operation.

    Ron Ackermann

    Thank John,
    I thought maybe I was doing something incorrectly. I tried this while instantiated inside pro tools and also while EZD2 was in standalone mode. I know it is easy to trim the last measure when in PT but just surprises me that this happens. Does the same thing happen in superior drummer? I love the EZD2 but I also like to make my own beats for tracking. e.g. just need a kick drum or simple time keeper beat til it’s time to fine tune.

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