use groove as backing track (live)

Studio Corner
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  • John


    if I understand you correctly, you could create a specific folder (or several) in your User MIDI folder for Live use.
    If you create a Song on the Song Track, lasso select all parts and drag to the folder in your User MIDI, a MIDI file of the Song Track will be created there.
    This MIDI file can be Renamed to something more recognizable than ‘Track 1’. The BPM of this file will be set to the same BPM EZD3 is set to when you drag the Track to the User MIDI folder. When you have made your Songs and filled up your folder, you can play them from the folder in the Browser. Make sure you have the ‘Original’ Tempo button active or your Songs will play back at the currently set tempo of EZD3.MIDIfolders


    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    Hi all, just got EZD3 – love the grooves and want to use them as a backing tracks for live performance (just me and my guitar) just loop the groove

    I’d like to be able to have a groove playing as a backing track rather than a structured song as I find this too limiting and if you get lost during a live performance well… you know.

    Is there a way i can copy and rename a groove without having to create a project for every song? (maybe 60 songs)

    ideally, i’d just like a list of  grooves (renamed to the song) – select song and off we go

    I don’t want to have to spend 5 minutes between songs looking lost or like i’m writing code.

    Coming out of laptop audio into volume pedal so i can control my drummer or at least make him behave nicely.

    Any suggestions would be appreciated.



    Also Phil, you could record the drums on your DAW (reaper is free until you you can pay for it $65), and they would be easily accessed, named, tempo, intros ect…. No glitches, latency or fumbling around looking for the song Groove.



    Fabulous! Just what I needed. Thanks John


    Further on that, it’d be great to control when these grooves start stop

    I know I can control via spacebar if i drag parts to the song but is there a way to assign a keystroke to these buttons?



    there is no built-in keyboard shortcut for starting and stopping Grooves in a folder, no. Something for the wishlist, perhaps, in Requests & Feedback?


    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

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