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Urgent help required! Trying to create a similar sound. Sample included…

Studio Corner
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  • Whitten

    It’s an example of extreme processing.
    A ton of eq has been used, plus lots of room ambience (also processed), but above all, single hard sounding samples triggered by the drums. This gives the machine, super consistent effect you are hearing.
    It’s no longer really the sound of acoustic drums, which is the primary aim of EZdrummer and Superior.
    You can get this sound using Metal Foundry I’m very sure.
    But you need to process the basic sounds. It would also help if you added a single sample on bass drum and snare.

    Seb Szocinski

    Thank for the reply Whitten

    Can all this be done inside SD2.0? using the built in effects (EQ, Compressor) etc.. Or would i need to use other plugins to alter the sound?

    I only installed the 3gb option with Metal Foundry as im sure my Mac would explode if i tried to load the WHOLE expansion with all the other sounds… could this also be why its sounding so thin? – ive tabbed out the drum beat to that song and will post a sample of the sound I am getting with SD2.0 to see if maybe I have just done something wrong myself…

    Im finding it very hard to make the drums sound “In your face”… that FTFD sample i showed, compared to a standard SD2.0 kit has ALOT more High end / Treble and Bottom end…. it sounds very “Chunky”… i guess thats what i am really after… a Chunky “In your face” sound…


    Mark Farrell

    Without sitting down trying to get the sound myself, the best advice i can give is to load ‘the metal foundry mix’ preset in the ‘EZ Mixer’ section under ‘All mixer’ (At the bottom of the superior 2.0 main screen, next to the ‘Master Volume’) This might be a good starting point? It makes everything quite snappy sounding with a lot of compression and punch, compromising a bit of the lower end? You could try combining snares like the ‘marching snare with wood hoops’ with a tighter snare to get the crack with some depth? But mr whitten is right, triggers and heavy processing is going to be the only way there.


    I have found one of the Fattest snares on TMF( only one) is best at a midi velocity of around 85 ,this seems max fat/deep ,the rimshots are great but the meaty sound is not all the way up on the max velocity,you may then even want to turn of some of the randomness and make it a bit more repetitive to zone right in on that perfect hit.
    On some records these bands get a very focused specific snare tone,alot of hard work hence why people may say add a single sample( they probably did some layering),its about consistency on the back beat,nearly robotic like the old days but with a real drums vibe.

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