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  • Ok, thanks! LaughLaughSmileWink

    I have been authorized EZ Drumer the following steps. Right. But to do the same with the Metal Machine EZX, always tells me “Wrong authorization code”. The program does not recognize me the authorization code. How do I solve the problem? Confused

    The computer where the program is no internet access.

    Serial number: XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX
    Computer ID: GE3DG-QBYG2-AUE2M-T97C9-T
    Aurthorization code: EUCY-17A3-8Y64-GG2E-4DP1-PSJ

    It does not work. Frown


    @EZ Drumer Metal support (Victor) said:

    I have been authorized EZ Drumer the following steps. Right. But to do the same with the Metal Machine EZX, always tells me “Wrong authorization code”. The program does not recognize me the authorization code. How do I solve the problem? Confused

    The computer where the program is no internet access.

    Serial number: XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX
    Computer ID: GE3DG-QBYG2-AUE2M-T97C9-T
    Aurthorization code: EUCY-17A3-8Y64-GG2E-4DP1-PSJ

    It does not work. Frown

    Looks like your serial member in your post is for the DFH EZX and not Metal Machine EZX. Please use the correct serial number for the specific product authorization.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

    OMG. I’m stupid. EmbarassedEmbarassedEmbarassed

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