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Turn Cached mode on and off via MIDI

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  • Henrik

    Are you using e-drums to play? Have you tried to disable all articulations that you don’t use, minimise the “Voice and Layer” values, disable bleed where not needed? This can drastically lower the RAM usage.

    To change settings with MIDI messages is a complicated manovuer to do (both from a technical and user experience view), so we try to avoid that – if it can be avoided!

    Henrik Ekblom - User Experience Designer


    Thank you for your prompt reply!

    I have removed all bleed, but I haven’t yet turned off unused articulations, and there are many. I think that will make a large difference, perhaps even a large enough difference that we can avoid Cached mode. I will also take a look at “Voice and Layer” values, I haven’t played with them yet.

    Again, thank you for your prompt reply and your efforts to help us.

    I can’t get over just how good ToonTrack products are, and I have quite a few. But Superior Drummer 3 is incredible. (Sneaking in: Again, I wish I could have more star colors.)

    Terry Kack

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