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TT solo – mix in audio to play along with

E-drum Workshop
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  • John


    not that I’m aware of, using the ASIO4ALL with an on-board audio device.
    Pro or semi-pro Audio interfaces can be multi-client and pass audio from different applications to the same output, directly or via an internal mixer.
    On my MacBook Pro, which uses OSX, this is built-in with the Core Audio so I can start one program running MP3’s at the same time as running Toontrack solo.

    Not the answer you wanted, but yes, you’re on the right track with looking for drivers that let your on-board audio device be multi-client.

    Best Regards,

    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

    ian connelly

    I am also looking for the answer as I am on the 10 day trial of ezdrummer2 I think the drums sound amazing compared to my dm10 but if I cannot play along to a song it’s pointless buying ezdrummer2 ,it will work when using a windows directsound driver but not with ASIO but with the windows driver the latency is awful.I hope there is a solution to this as I’m keen to get the full version of Ezdrummer2.

    Kind regards Ian


    Thanked by: William Corbridge

    I think I understand what you are asking. You want to be able to hear EZD2 with say iTiunes all playing through the headphones in one “stream”? Apologies, I am not very technical. Assuming I have your goal correct I had the same issue and solved it by using the Prosonus AudioboxiTwo. Cost about $169 USD. I have a midi cable from my Roland TD25 into the Prosonus Box. The Prosonus box acts as the soundcard for lack of a better description. Prosonus connects to the PC via USB. So my headphones plug into the Prosonus. I am even able to split the headphones and plug a mini cord into my PC and use Audacity and record what I am hearing through the headphones.
    Needed to mess around with latency settings but it works perfect now. Hope this helps. Took me a lot of experimenting to get this right.

    At one point Microsoft threw an update and I had re-install the Prosonus drivers but its been fine since.


    Thanked by: William Corbridge
    Ilja Körrer

    Hi there,
    I think the company is called “Presonus” and they built very good Audiointerfaces.
    You can also take a look at Focusrite, MAudio.
    Just in case you need some more Info.

    Cheers and good Luck!!

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