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Triggering SD3 with Roland TD-25 – volume too low….can’t get volume high enough to be usable

E-drum Workshop
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  • Henrik

    When you hit your e-drums, what velocities are being sent to Superior Drummer 3? Check in the MIDI Monitor (a property box right side of drums), or use the analyzer if you are in the MIDI IN/E-drums settings page. When you preview a drum by clicking the interface, it will preview 126-127 (max) velocity…

    Henrik Ekblom - User Experience Designer

    Derek Schaaf

    Hi Henrik,

    If I see that the velocities are low….do I adjust a level upwards via a certain setting OR does that mean I need to strike the drum head harder? 🙂



    I saw your post and checked out my Roland TD-25 set with SD3 and the situation is the same here… the volume when triggering with the TD-25 set is very low.


    @Derek Schaaf said:
    Hi Henrik,

    If I see that the velocities are low….do I adjust a level upwards via a certain setting OR does that mean I need to strike the drum head harder? 🙂


    That is totally up to you, and how the e-kit is reacting to your hits 🙂 You can try to change the velocity curve for the drums (in Settings / “MIDI In/E-drums”). There you can adjust it so a harder hit will be triggered even if you don’t hit the drum so hard. You can do this for individual articulations, individual drums, or multiple drums at once.

    Henrik Ekblom - User Experience Designer

    Derek Schaaf

    Thanks Henrik,

    What would be another way to increase overall output volume? As I mentioned a mouse click of the drum is significantly definitely quite a bit louder (and you noted by default that strike at a 127 velocity) but it is still not “that” loud when listening through headphones with my MacBook Pro 2017 at max volume. Is there something else I should be bumping up as far as overall output?


    Ilja Körrer

    This is maybe a phanomenon . . . . I always have the same Problem by using just the sounds form the module without SD.
    When I playback a Songpattern from my Roland TD-30 to check out a specific Set in my Bank, the Set sounds much louder as if it l is played live with my Sticks.
    Even if I hit the hell out of the drumset. Nobody could give me a Assertion so far . . . . .


    @Derek Schaaf said:
    Thanks Henrik,

    What would be another way to increase overall output volume? As I mentioned a mouse click of the drum is significantly definitely quite a bit louder (and you noted by default that strike at a 127 velocity) but it is still not “that” loud when listening through headphones with my MacBook Pro 2017 at max volume. Is there something else I should be bumping up as far as overall output?


    First – check the audio interface’s levels – if there are any volumes that can be raised there.

    To increase the overall output of Superior Drummer 3 you can always raise the individual microphone channels and busses, and/or use compressors, limiters, eq etc (tips on mixing techniques to make stuff louder is easily found on Google) . Be aware of not making the channels too loud (led meters getting red when hitting the roof) – this can cause distortion of the sound in the end. Further – the “loudness war” is also a thing to avoid – cranking things up so much with limiters and compressors that you loose dynamics…

    Henrik Ekblom - User Experience Designer

    Derek Schaaf

    Ok thanks!


    This problem seems to be something related to how Roland V Drums are reacting with Superior Drummer 3.
    I have various drum programs ( AD2, BFD3, N.I. Studio Drummer) and this problem of low volume when triggering SD3 with the TD-25 setup only happens when using SD3.
    I also have EZ Drummer 2 and I just tested my TD-25 Roland set with EZ Drummer 2 and there is no volume problem when triggering with the TD-25 setup.
    I only having the volume problem when triggering SD3…


    Update – After testing the TD-25 Roland set with EZ Drummer 2 – I switched back to SD3 and the volume problem was gone – sounds as it should.

    Derek Schaaf

    wow, interesting…thanks! I have EZD2 as well and will check it out.

    1. Did you change any settings at all on the TD-25 when going between the 2?
    2. Are you on a Mac or PC?
    3. Also, are you going from the TD-25 usb out into your computer or using the midi out into a midi interface and then usb to computer.


    Derek Schaaf

    I just tested with EX Drummer 2 and it sounds much better, volume is as expected. When I go back to SD3 it is super quite again. I noticed if I try different drum presses in SD3…..some are quite a bit louder.

    Kim Skalle

    I also find SD3 very quiet with my Roland TD12, however, when they are played with SDX’s & EZX’s it is loud/perfect.
    So it’s just seems SD3 & it’s kits are very low for some odd reason. I have to crank everything up a lot.
    Would be nice to get better volume from SD3.




    SD3 Core content is much more dynamic and not as ‘cranked’ as e.g. the EZdrummer 2 Pop/Rock EZX.
    Also, it depends on if you are using a ‘clean’ mixer or not.
    I think you will notice a difference from the Default preset and clean kits if you select e.g. the ‘Radio Rock Yamaha’ or ‘Magnetic Tape’ presets, which are processed with EQ, Comp, etc.


    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

    Kim Skalle

    Ok, thanks for the explanation John 🙂


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