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Trial version of EZBass?

EZbass Pre-sales
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  • Jens Wettermann

    Yes, of course they can tell us when, but they don’t want to.

    Let me make an educated guess … the EZbass trial will be out the day WHEN HELL FREEZES OVER >:-(

    brandon flick


    I’m definitely a bit concerned that I can’t even see the support forum without buying it first, for me, checking out the support forum of a product really gives you insight into the real world functionality of the product.

    I do see a lot of ” problems tracking audio to midi” type posts, but then can’t see if there is ever any resolution, and i don’t want to be the person to buy it and THEN be able to unlock and reveal the real deal.

    Added together with there being no trial demo after all this time is keeping me from buying.

    BTW I am a big supporter of Toontrack superior drummer, I really want to buy this.



    I’m definitely a bit concerned that I can’t even see the support forum without buying it first, for me, checking out the support forum of a product really gives you insight into the real world functionality of the product.

    I do see a lot of ” problems tracking audio to midi” type posts, but then can’t see if there is ever any resolution, and i don’t want to be the person to buy it and THEN be able to unlock and reveal the real deal.

    Added together with there being no trial demo after all this time is keeping me from buying.

    BTW I am a big supporter of Toontrack superior drummer, I really want to buy this.

    Yep, that gave me a very uneasy feeling.  It’s like what are they trying to hide 🙁

    lab rat

    I tried EZDrummer 2, liked it and bought it, plus some extras. I tried EZKeys, liked that and bought it, along with the 6 midi pack. The only thing holding me back from EZBass is the ability to try it first.


    I just bought it. It is cool, what i dont like, is that u can’t configure it as a 4 bass string, also, the option to convert audio to midi is very poor when trying to convert a bass track that is played with 2 strings at a time.

    Sound is great, articulation is pretty cool.


    I just bought it. It is cool, what i dont like, is that u can’t configure it as a 4 bass string, also, the option to convert audio to midi is very poor when trying to convert a bass track that is played with 2 strings at a time.

    Sound is great, articulation is pretty cool.

    Whaddayamean you can’t configure it as a four string bass!?!?!  Are you saying that you can’t use a standard bass guitar for your sound?

    That being the case, I am glad I bought a competing product.


    Any progress on getting a demo version out? Or indeed a sale?

    Still full price and no trial?

    Doron Diamond

    Yeah I own a lot of EZ Toontrack products.  I want to buy this but without a trial/demo, I can’t bring myself to.  I need to know how it’ll work for me before I just drop that kind of money.


    Hi all, I’m an inspiring musician I write and create my own music, so I do not make a leaving as a musician. If the product weren’t so expensive, I would probably go ahead and dive into the full purchase of EZBASS. There is nothing worse than that feeling of purchasing a product that promises something and does not deliver.  A trial version puts everyone’s mind at ease.


    I also want to point out that, the reason why I own licenses of Both EZKeys and EZDrummer 2 is that they, IN FACT, allowed trial versions on their website.


    10 day free download trial is now available on the EZBass product website.  This was announced via Facebook.

    Rod Stevens

    Gee John, we’re still waiting. Some would call you a liar, but I couldn’t possibly say that. You might be getting fed the same line of crap that we, the customer is. Still haven’t bought one TT. product since TT. started lying to me and never will now. I’m spreading the word.

    • This post was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by Rod Stevens.
    Rod Stevens

    It’s now April old mate………of the next year!!!!


    Rod Stevens,

    Calm down, the trial version is now available!   🙂


    Thanked by: Scott
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