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Toontrack products in Cubase not showing up

Studio Corner
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  • Scott

    The default location of a 64-bit Toontrack plug-in on a 64-bit system is

    Cubase won’t find dlls automatically unless they install in Cubase’s default plugin folder. You should set that path in Cubase to the above location if the dlls are there.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    I have no vst folder under C:Program Files

    My folders are:

    C:Program FilesSteinberg (and the following folders Asio/Cubase 8.5 and VSTPlugins). Under Cubase 8.5 I have folders VST3/VSTPlugins and under the VSTPlugin I see the different dll-files including the before mentioned guitar amp sim plugin.

    I also have this:

    C:Program Files (x86)ToontrackSuperiorSuperior 2SL Avatar and SL Metal Foundry.

    No dll-file from Superior can be found on my pc when searching.


    Try running the plugin installer again. Not the sound installer but just the plug-in. It is version 2.4.4 and is 112 mb.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    Can I do that from the Product Manager?


    Yes. You should be able to browse to the S2 plugin and click in the details to see if it’s installed and then download and install if it isn’t.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    Just installed the 64bit at 112MB again. Nothing happened. Still the same paths on the C drive and no dll to be found anywhere. Everything in the Product Manager checks out and should be working. Ready to use is writen on all products.


    Can you download and install Toontrack Solo and open S2 there? Check the install path in Solo?

    Are you the Administrator on your computer? I don’t know why the installers aren’t writing the .dlls if you are. Perhaps turning off the UAC in Windows would help?

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    I will try tomorrow. Thank you so far 🙂


    I was able to open S2 in Toontrack Solo. All the expansions was selectable as well. I checked the install path, and it is: C:Program FilesToontrackToontrack Solo. Something “funny” happened though. I found the path C:Program FilesCommon FilesVST3Toontrack. And there is the beloved Superior Drummer.dll file. What to do with it? Should there be a dll-file for expansions as well or is it only the host “S2” or “EZ” which generates dll-files?


    Just the host, S2 or EZdrummer, will have a dll. Set the path to that S2 dll in Cubase.

    Start Cubase, open the Devices menu and select the entry Plug-in Manager. In the Plug-in Manager Settings window, click on the Add Path button (+).


    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    Thank you. It works like a charm now. Laugh

    William Byrne

    Added the following path to VST 2 Plug-in Path Settings (via Plug-in Manager)

    C:Program FilesCommon FilesVST3


    Thanked by: Michael Lazarowitz

    I am having the same issue. Tried this fix but no luck. Any further thoughts? Would it make a difference if I put the sound files on a different drive?

    The only file in C:Program FilesCommon FilesVST3Toontrack is the .dll

    Does that seem right?


    Yes, the .dll file is the plugin file and not the sound library so that’s in order.
    So, what is your problem, then?
    If Cubase picks up that path like described above, the plugin should be available in Cubase.
    Can you load it? Do you get any error messages? If so, please post screen shots.


    John Rammelt - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    Had Cubase 4 student… Ezdrummer was working perfectly… WITHOUT ANY INTERFERENCE FROM ME – All was done automaticaly.Now I updated my CubasePro 8,5 to CubasePro 9 … bought ezdrummer+ path reggae, ezkeys grand piano + up right… I cannot see them in neigher 8,5 nor 9… Had similar problem with my GuitarRig Pro 5 … I uninstalled and re-installed everything(both Native & Toontrack products) Guitar Rig works perfectly… Nothing happed with Toontrack product… Been doing 3 installations… working on this ONLY for 2 days… no solutions… It works alone… Withing Cubase… there is nothing… I cannot find it… IMO: it’s missing a patch… I mean… in the wizard of Native there was a seconde step where you could choose to install or not … : it was well stated that one of them were the path for Steinberg’ sequencer product.. another was for Pro Tools etc… Thank you for any help Confused ps
    I’ve tried again… I cannot changed the path of the folder destination… ..

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