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Toontrack owned by Waves or vice versa?

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  • mix2much

    It’s just for distribution


    Yep, Waves handles all distribution for USA and Canada.

    Martin Kristoffersson
    Sound Designer


    If you guys ever start requiring a dongle I will take all my Toontrack disks outside and chop them into little pieces. Just sayin.



    If you ever start being owned by Waves I will take my business elsewhere. Most awful customer experiences ever.


    SD2.3, NYII, C&V, MC, MF, ED, Latin Perc, Twisted, Pop, N1H, Electronic, Classic, Funkmasters, Rock Solid, Blues, Indie-Folk.


    Have to agree. ILOK is a nightmare. DON’T GO THERE.


    There is no plans of implementing iLok at the moment, don’t worry!

    Martin Kristoffersson
    Sound Designer


    ORIGINAL: mikespike

    If you guys ever start requiring a dongle I will take all my Toontrack disks outside and chop them into little pieces. Just sayin.


    I would love an iLok. The current Toontrack authorization is a mess. Mine is dependent on what wireless usb device I plug in. Completely stupid. Come on Toontrack skip any dependence on external devices for authorization.

    With an iLok I don’t have to depend on online authorizations of a lot of products. I can just install them, insert the iLok and fly. But if you absolutely want some kind of online authorization, then have a look at the Native Instruments’ Service Center. I severely love the way NI’s Service Center keeps track of updates for me.


    I think we should put both camps (pro iLok and against iLok) in a room and let them fight it out!

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    ORIGINAL: Scott

    I think we should put both camps (pro iLok and against iLok) in a room and let them fight it out!

    Not necessary. Celemony at one stage gave you a choice between challenge/response and iLok. You could do that too.


    Or, they could offer iLok, C/R, Name & Serial, phone activation code method, etc. and maybe everyone would be happy…well, no, there are those that don’t want any type of copy protection at all…

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    ORIGINAL: Scott

    Or, they could offer iLok, C/R, Name & Serial, phone activation code method, etc. and maybe everyone would be happy…well, no, there are those that don’t want any type of copy protection at all…

    Well your copy protection doesn’t stop the pirates, but it sure does create a terrible customer experience for many legitimate users. I came across someone who has a cracked SD yesterday. I hate it when people don’t pay for what they use.

    I suppose there isn’t an answer, without it you wouldn’t get the revenue to keep the company producing the products.

    REAPER isn’t copy-protected, but it didn’t stop me buying a commercial licence. I don’t know if that business model actually works for Cockos, but it makes it much less stressful and time consuming to install.

    You make a first-class product Toontrack, but I did get fed up with the hoops I had to jump through while installing. Just keep the libraries coming in and I might forget the pain .


    SD2.3, NYII, C&V, MC, MF, ED, Latin Perc, Twisted, Pop, N1H, Electronic, Classic, Funkmasters, Rock Solid, Blues, Indie-Folk.


    Personally, I don’t see what the big deal is with TT’s authorization process now? I’ve never had a problem what so ever. I hate iLok simply because it’s not convenient to always have it with me, increases the chance I’ll lose it, wash it in the washer, or whatever. It makes me WAY more nervous having thousands of dollars worth of plugins on a USB dongle, then to sit thru a 5min authorization process that can’t be any more simple.

    EZD, Sup 2.0, C&V SDX, EZ Drummer, DKH Multi, Pro Tools 8, padKontrol, OSX 10.5.8


    Personally, I haven’t had any problems with Toontrack authorizations at all, even the years before I started working for them. My studio machine isn’t online and I have to jump through more hoops (paper and pencil copying down codes) than those with their machines online to authorize things, and I’ve never had a problem. Maybe that stems from not having the machine online so no swapping of NICs, I don’t know. But I’ve also had multiple laptops that have had Norton anti-virus software and is online/email/word processing/etc. and I’ve never had any issues with Toontrack authorization on that either.

    I also haven’t had any issues with iLok licenses and any Native Instrument authorizations either.

    I must be one of the lucky few…but I’m one of the unluckiest people I know

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor


    ORIGINAL: planetnine

    ORIGINAL: Scott

    Or, they could offer iLok, C/R, Name & Serial, phone activation code method, etc. and maybe everyone would be happy…well, no, there are those that don’t want any type of copy protection at all…

    Well your copy protection doesn’t stop the pirates, but it sure does create a terrible customer experience for many legitimate users. I came across someone who has a cracked SD yesterday. I hate it when people don’t pay for what they use.

    I suppose there isn’t an answer, without it you wouldn’t get the revenue to keep the company producing the products.

    REAPER isn’t copy-protected, but it didn’t stop me buying a commercial licence. I don’t know if that business model actually works for Cockos, but it makes it much less stressful and time consuming to install.

    You make a first-class product Toontrack, but I did get fed up with the hoops I had to jump through while installing. Just keep the libraries coming in and I might forget the pain .


    Reaper isn’t in the same league as Toontrack as far as professional quality product goes. Toontrack can appear in a professional production and be right at home – Reaper’s developers have given the false impression that they are interested in user feedback. I’m truly of the opinion that they are simply implementing changes that they want, steal the ideas of the userbase for direction of featureset improvement, and charging people for a program that would otherwise be freeware. The sheer arrogance of the developer team confirms that Reaper will always be a toy DAW compared to Cubase or Tools. That makes me sad because they have a lot of deluded users worshipping them. I use Reaper because it is less frustrating than Cubase who charge more money than I will pay for a DAW. That doesn’t make it a better platform. Just a cheap one.


    I disagree with everythingt said about Reaper in the above post. I own Wavelab 7 and Cubase 6, but is in the process of moving to Reaper. Unlike Steinberg, the Reaper team listens to its userbase, and if you call that “stealing” my ideas I couldn’t care less as long as I get some of the things I like in future versions.

    As for discussing copy protection (which this thread is about) I never had problems with any of them. The Steinberg dongle works fine, better than the Toontrack way. And in the case of Reaper you can use it for free as long as you can live with an opening nag screen. Nevertheless I registered as small home studio user, but am considering getting a professional license just to support them, even though I am not commercial at all.

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