Toontrack needs a support phone number

Requests and Feedback
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  • Scott Eshleman

    So, what exactly is your authorization problem?

    The way our works is Toontrack gives you 4 total authorizations to freely use. For example, say I authorize my studio computer and a laptop. 2 total authorizations. Then I get a new laptop. Ok. I go to my Toontrack account, select my product, and remove the old laptop (click on the ‘X’ in the top right of the authorization I want to remove). This frees up a slot so I can use the 3rd out of 4 authorizations.

    Feel free to ask more questions or clarify what trouble you are having.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

    David Westmeier

    What happens if I am using two computers but getting a new laptop every year? So I deauthorize my second slot (the laptop) and then authorize my new laptop (I suppose that would be the third slot). In the second year when I want to install on my next laptop, this would then be the fourth slot. So then, let me see if I’m getting this… ALL my slots would be used up so that once I get a another laptop in the third year I couldn’t use the software? (No matter how many machines I deauthorize?)

    Thus, for me the software would only be valid for 2 years. And then what? I need to spend hundreds to repurchase the software I just bought 2 years ago?


    No. You contact Toontrack and we will removed inactive authorizations.

    Scott Sibley - Toontrack
    Technical Advisor

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