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Toontrack EZdrummer 2, worth the upgrade?

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  • onewayout_1

    Without a doubt it is worth it. If you do not want to spend lots of time scrolling through your midi groove library for the right parts then that’s worth the price of admission there… That was what sold me 2 plus years ago….
    But since then I’ve been able to use it’s more advanced features to the MAXIMUM… Go on YouTube for their videos…. You’ll see why this is a must have if you doing drums all the time.


    Olof Westman
    Forum Crew

    Note that the upgrade from EZdrummer 1 to EZdrummer 2 was discontinued in 2015.
    It can no longer be bought. What exists is an upgrade from EZlite, which was a ‘free’
    limited version of EZdrummer 1, bundled with some hardware.

    Olof Westman - Toontrack


    I would say yes it is worth it.

    I’m not sure why but my EZ2 mixes seem to have a bit more clarity about the drums compared to EZ1.

    I wouldn’t buy it on the strength of finding exactly what patterns and more importantly for me fills that you are after, as even with the fill pack i still struggle to find exactly what i’m looking for

    I’ve actually just bougth a cheap elec kit to do my own fills with, and rigged it up to cubase/EZ2 without any major drama, quite a bit of editing required though to get it all knitting and sounding like a drummer, due to velocities etc.

    But as i say, the basic kit sounds are really good., and it’s also quite easy to use. Could be better though with some adjustment, especially for Cubase users.


    Also, don’t upgrade until your existing songs/projects are 100% complete, because if you’ve used a different kit from EZ2 and don’t have the relevant expansion your mixes will be screwed.

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