In the manual for Superior 2,1 it explains how to...
In the manual for Superior 2,1 it explains how to program the hihat aticulations specifically for Hatstrigger and hatstiptrigger.
It says to hit the “tip” of the hihat for one and the “edge” for the other.
But these terms are synonomous. Surely the tip of the hihat is the edge?
From Wikipedia:
Parts of a cymbal
Bell The center of a Cymbal, often raised to a bell-like shape.
Bow The remaining surface of the Cymbal.
Edge or rim The immediate circumference of the instrument.
So which one means the bow? (I guess the bell is not used.)
For me the terms tip/edge both= the rim
Don't worry, this won't hurt a bit...
In the manual for Superior 2,1 it explains how to program the hihat aticulations specifically for Hatstrigger and hatstiptrigger.
It says to hit the “tip” of the hihat for one and the “edge” for the other.
But these terms are synonomous. Surely the tip of the hihat is the edge?
From Wikipedia:
Parts of a cymbal
Bell The center of a Cymbal, often raised to a bell-like shape.
Bow The remaining surface of the Cymbal.
Edge or rim The immediate circumference of the instrument.
So which one means the bow? (I guess the bell is not used.)
For me the terms tip/edge both= the rim
Don't worry, this won't hurt a bit...